Chapter 86: Let Her Stand Up for Herself

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"He really said that," Seth questions dumbfoundedly.

I nod while keeping a serious face, taking in just how he feels about this. Seth scoffs lightly before shaking his head and resting his forehead on my shoulder as he lets go of my hands.

"I know he cares, or so he says, but to know that, I suppose it makes me feel a little less lonely," Seth confesses in a whisper.

I gently stroke his hair as I hold him close to me before whispering back, "We've had a rocky reunion, true, though, that doesn't mean we'll let that stop us from being a family. As much as you try to hide from it, we love you and you're apart of this family, too. That's why, after you go fetch your pack and return for the wedding, you ought to stay for a while. Spend time with Elijah and Lyra, then when we get back, I'll be sure to spend lots of time with you. There's still somewhere I'd like to take you, so, don't run away again without saying goodbye."

Seth sniffles before lifting his head only to wipe away his tears.

"Thanks, Katya. I'll be sure to stick around for a little while. And I promise, I won't leave like that again. I'll always say goodbye first," Seth speaks sincerely as he averts his eyes away.

I step closer only to adjust his tie a bit more before kissing the side of his head.

"Thank you. Now, let's get going. You're my date for today, after all," I speak playfully before grabbing his hand only to lead him out of his room and into the hall.

Seth and I walk downstairs for breakfast, since that's where the others went a little bit ago. We all had a wonderful family breakfast together, simply discussion the old times before talking about future plans.

Everything was going great until Elijah questioned me, "Missy, do you think you'll be okay during today and tomorrow? How bad are your symptoms? Have you been taking your suppressants?"

Lyra sighs before slapping the back of Elijah's head while I keep my head tilted down.

"Dad, she's going to be fine. I've already went through the list of symptoms with her and so far, she's doing good. Although, I must confess, I am concerned about tomorrow and just how long she can hold it in. But I trust her and have faith," Sylas speaks aloud for me.

Elijah nods his head in agreement before sighing softly as he glances over at me.

"Sylas, I appreciate that, though, I was more talking to Katya. But you're right to feel that way, though, even as much as we trust her, we need a back up plan in case something happens. I think our best bet would to keep you and Katya separated when possible, that way she shouldn't get triggered by your scent," Elijah comments before explains more of how he feels.

"No! That's absurd! You can't separate an Omega from her Alpha, especially when she's close to her heat. Her body can easily get triggered by other things a lot faster if you split them up. Besides, Katya hasn't had the chance to say a word and you're all speaking for her," Lyra speaks up, putting her foot down to end how I've been pushed aside.

I slowly look up to find Sylas and Elijah looking down at the table.

"Um, Eli, to answer your questions, yes, I've been taking my suppressants. My symptoms, well, that's not exactly something I can tell, so, you'll just have to trust Sylas on that. I'm feeling okay today, just a little down, but I'm also excited about the wedding tomorrow, so, I feel that I'll be fine both days. Speaking of, I'd like to comment on something you had suggested. I don't find it best to split Sylas and I apart tomorrow. Though, I must confess that whenever I'm around Seth, I don't feel so lonely and he makes me feel at ease. In fact, that's why I needed him to stick around today since all eyes will be on Sylas and you guys. So, if at anytime tomorrow I'm with Seth, then just leave it be, because for once, I can say that I know what I'm doing," I spoke softly at first before finally growing confident enough to explain my thoughts to them.

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