Chapter 24: 'Technical' First Kiss

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"Are you okay, Elijah?"

He sits up as he explains, "I'm fine. Sylas, not so much. He needs you here. Now that his needs are met, well, almost. He's happier. I'm just disappointed with how he's treated you and what he's said to you. I don't appreciate that. So, if you were wondering why I pulled you away from him, that's why."

I nod slowly as I then crawl up on my bed to sit on my knees beside Elijah.

"You care about him a lot, don't you?"

Elijah nods, then looks down as he sighs softly.

"He's my son. I love him and he's the last living thing I have of Lyra. Same goes for you for your mother. I need you both close to me. I care about Sylas, it's just, it's complicated sometimes. After the accident, we became distant with one another," he explains in a solemn and sorrowful tone.

I nod softly as I look down. I carefully wrap my arms around him to homd him close.

"It's okay. It's just something that the two of you need to work out. Talk about your feelings for once. Stop being tough men and open up," I say softly as I had tried to lighten the mood.

Elijah hugs my waist as he rests his head on my shoulder.

"Thank you, Missy. I'm beginning to wonder how I ever made it without you after the accident," he whispers solemnly.

I laugh nervously as I then mutter, "You and me both."

I hug him tighter as he does the same, then we hear a knock at the door. I let go of Elijah as he continues to hug me. I was going to open the door, though Elijah wouldn't let go.

"Come in," I state softly.

I wrap one arm around Elijah as Sylas opens the door only to then stop in his tracks.

"Hey, son. What brings you to her room so late," Elijah questions playfully.

Sylas glares at Elijah as he says, "I could ask you the same, father. And stop holding her like that!"

Elijah sighs as he lets go of me, then Elijah gives me a look at he says, "I told you so."

I giggle softly as Elijah gets up to take his leave. As Elijah walks through the door, he whispers something as Sylas had turned around immediately to close the door and lock it. I turn to face Sylas as he turns back around.

"What did he say," I ask curiously.

Sylas looks at me, then looks down as he shakes his head.

"Nothing. He's just being nosy," he states.

I nod slowly as I look at him. I tilt my head as I smirk softly.

"Did you need something," I question playfully.

Sylas looks over at the balcony as he says nervously, "Well, I came to apologize again and to say goodnight. But after seeing him hold you like that, I'll admit, I'm pretty jealous."

I giggle softly as I then tease, "Really? Then why don't you stop pouting about it and come here?"

Sylas looks up at me, shocked to hear me say that. I pat on the bed, signalling him to take a seat. Sylas sits down beside me only so I could hug him. He wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder. I play with his hair, though, I began to realize that it was fake.

I smile softly as I grab a hold of the hair. I gently pull off his wig and play with his curly, white locks.

"Why'd you do that," he questions me in a confused tone.

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