Chapter 83: Mission Accomplished

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I glance around as I try to find Oliver and Damien’s room. After a bit of searching, I finally find their room only to knock on the door.

“Oh, your highness. Is something wrong? Have you been crying,” Damien speaks with concern shaking in his voice after he opened the door.

I smile softly before shaking my head lightly.

“Everything’s okay, Damien. In fact, I believe everything is better than okay. We found Lyra and we’re bringing her back home. You’re to leave all the details to me when it comes to reporting this to Elijah. Now, pack up and be downstairs shortly. We’re ready to head home,” I inform him.

Damien’s face looked quite pale as he simply stares at me as if he’s seen a ghost. I sigh softly before gently holding the side of his face in my hand.

“I know. It’s a lot to take in and it’s quite shocking. I’ve sort of known that I wasn’t the only one who made it out of the accident alive. I’ll explain more later, as will Lyra, but for now, we need to get home,” I add, hoping to reassure him.

Damien sighs softly before leaning into my touch as he closes his eyes.

“Okay, Princess. I trust whatever you decide. I’ll wake Oliver and we’ll be down shortly. Thank you for telling me,” Damien speaks with sincerity.

I smile softly as I pull my hand away from his face only to then make my way down the hall and downstairs to the foyer to find Anastasia, Alastair, and Sylas talking amongst themselves. Once I’ve approached them, Sylas wraps his arm around my waist only to pull me closer to his side. Before long, Oliver, Damien, Lyra and Seth make their way down the stairs and we take our leave after thanking Anastasia and Alastair one last time.

As we walk outside, we’re met with a few of their guards who are stationed in Jeeps to cross the snowy terrains ahead. Seth, Damien, and Lyra take one while Sylas, Oliver, and I take the other and we begin over the snowy terrain to the private jet.

“Hi, Otis. Thank you for coming out so late, we really appreciate it,” I speak sincerely.

Otis grins happily as he bows before us.

“Anything for your majesties,” he speaks humbly.

I pat his shoulder gently as I thank him before making my way onto the jet. Once we’ve all gathered and buckled in, then we begin our journey home. Before long, we’ve returned to Otis’ house and we then await the cars on the landing strip. Damien and Oliver fetch the cars while we wait in the cold. Sylas and Seth hold Lyra close between the two to keep her warm. I take a look around as I ponder of how I should approach Elijah with this without giving him a heart attack.

“Princess, if I may ask, how do you plan on telling King Elijah,” Oliver asks as he’s returned to fetch me and escort us to the car.

I wrap my arm around his as we carefully make our way over to the driveway.

“Well, that’s a great question, Oli. That’s actually what I was just thinking about. I believe it’s best that I speak with him alone and try to get him to understand everything before seeing her again. I feel it’s only right. Anyway, I’ll come up with something, I just need some time to think,” I answer him honestly.

Oliver nods his head before he opens the car door for me. Once Sylas and I are in the car, I pull Sylas closer to me before he rests his head on my lap.

I gently stroke his hair as I inform him, “I’m going to call Eli and hopefully ease him over before we get there, so, be quiet for me, please."

Sylas nods his head before closing his eyes as he relaxes again. I dial the phone to call Elijah.

“Missy?! Are you and the boys alright?! No one’s contacted me since you got on the jet. What happened,” Elijah speaks in a panicked tone.

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