Chapter 6: Blackwood?

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"Kat? Is someone in there with you," My dad questions me as he's just beyond my door.

My eyes grow wide as I let go of Sy and say, “No! I’m almost finished getting ready. Don’t come in though, I’m naked.”

My dad chuckles as he says, “Alright, sweetie, you better hurry up though.”

I nod as I look at Sy and sigh in relief.

“I will. Be out in a few, dad.”

I stand up and open the window all the way.

“Here you go, boy. Stop by again sometime. You’re fun to have around.”

He looks over at me and I swear, it’s as if he’s smiling!! He then jumps out the window. Seriously, if my window were smaller, he’d get stuck.

I have a double sized window where two or three people could sit on the ledge together. Even though my window is big, his fur still scraped the edges.

This is like a werewolf, not just a wolf. Wolves can't possibly be this big! That's impossible, right? I mean, werewolves don't exsist...

I grab my purse as I walk out of my
room, then out the door as my dad follows behind me.

“You look beautiful, sweetie,” my dad compliments me.

I smile as I say, “Thank you, dad. I tried. Thank you again, for the dress and the rose. They’re so beautiful.”

He smiles softly as he looks over at me.

“Of course. I know how much you love flowers. Besides, the day you had to stay home from work, I had to make a delivery to the castle. Even though they paid me, I asked them for one last thing. I asked for that rose. Surprisingly, all I had to do was freeze it in water and store it in the freezer until your birthday. I was pretty shocked that it worked. Besides, it was only in the freezer for two weeks or so," my dad states enthusiastically.

I nod slowly as I glance over at him. He lied to me about that day. I continue to think to myself about how my dad keeps lying to me. I can't help but wonder what else he's keeping from me.

We head to the restaurant to meet up with Cameron and Juliette. They look amazing. Cameron and my dad are wearing suits. Juliette is wearing a
stunning black dress. Wow. She's beautiful!

Juliette takes my dad’s arm as they walk ahead of us, then Cameron puts out his hand and I take his in mine. As we’re walking, I feel as though I’m being watched. Not just that, I felt like I needed to let go of Cameron’s hand.

I let go of his hand and wrap my pinky finger around his instead. Good, now I don’t feel as though I’m being stared
down, at least, not as much.

The waiter leads us to our table and we take our seats. After dinner, we ordered dessert. The staff brings out a cake with my name on it. They sing happy birthday and I blow out the candles as everyone takes pictures.

I take my seat again as a waiter whispers in my ear, “The cake was sent by Blackwood.”

I nod slowly as the employees and staff walk away. Suddenly, out the corner of my eye, I see the two men in black from earlier today. They’re bodyguards at the castle.

Hmmm. Makes me wonder who exactly 'Blackwood' is.

We cut the cake and there was enough cake for everyone at the restaurant, including the staff, but there's leftovers as well. I had one slice of cake. It was the best cake I had ever had, plus I had my first macaroon!

I know. While living in France, you would naturally assume I had tried one. Nope. I’m poor most of the time. And when I do spend my money, it’s for things I need. Besides, my
dad has never been one to try new things, until now. He's pretty boring.

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