Chapter 64: Affections

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I smile softly as I hug him tightly while burying my face against his shoulder.

“Sylas. I wanted you to knot me. Why didn’t you,” I mumble in a question.

He sighs as he slips his hands under my thighs to pick me up. Once he stands, he takes me into the bathroom. As he approaches the sink, I look into the mirror above the counter. My ears and tail are gone as well! Sylas sits me down for a moment as he touches my shoulder.

“We don’t have time and I don’t have enough energy. I’m sorry,” he whispers solemnly.

I gently remove his hand from my shoulder only to hug him swiftly.

“It’s okay. Don’t apologize. I know when you go into a rut, it’s tiring for you. But, I just needed to make sure that you weren’t holding back,” I speak softly.

Sylas holds the back of my head, pulling me closer towards his neck.

“It seems I can’t hold back when it comes to you. Don’t worry. Hopefully tonight, after some rest, I’m sure I can knot you tomorrow. Only if you want to,” he says reassuringly.

I kiss his neck a couple times, then I whisper in his ear, “I suppose we’ll find out tomorrow.”

I nibble his earlobe as he then picks me up again. I hold onto him closely as he walks over to turn on the shower.

“Even when you’re not at your strongest, aren’t I heavy for you at all,” I question concerningly.

Sylas shakes his head as he says, “Of course not. Like I’ve said, you’re as light as a feather. I have no trouble picking you up. I could easily throw you over my shoulder or even pick you up with one arm. Stop worrying about it, my love.”

I turn my head away as I look at the water falling into the shower.

“Kat. Stop thinking about it,” he demands lightly as I can sense he’s also becoming concerned.

Sylas steps into the shower as I continue to look away from him. He puts me down only to slide out of me. I cover my mouth as I muffle my moans. In that moment, Sylas gets down on his knees and hugs my waist. I lean slightly forward as he continues to hold onto me and rest his head against my stomach.

“S-Sylas! L-Let go,” I exclaim nervously.

He hugs my torso tighter, in which, I stop moving as I try to calm myself. Sylas kisses my stomach all over, then he glances up at me as he kisses right above my belly button. I cover my face as I lean my head against the wall. Sylas stands once again only to hold me closer to him. He holds the back of my head only to bring my forehead to his shoulder. I wrap my arms under his and grab onto his shoulders as I cry softly.

“I love everything about you. I love your stomach, your thighs, your arms. I love your body. I couldn’t haven’t gotten any luckier. You’re gorgeous. Breathtaking. I knew from the beginning that if you wanted to love me, you had to love yourself first. That includes your body. I know that even though I say these things, you may not believe me, and I understand why. It’s okay. I just hope that one day, you’ll love yourself as much as I love you,” he whispers softly as he hugs me tightly.

I continue to sob as Sylas then grabs a dry rag from the shelf. He continues to hold me with one arm, while he wipes my tears with the rag.

“You know I’d hold you all night long if I could. I hate to rush this, though, he’s growing rather impatient,” Sylas states.

I nod as I look down. Sylas lifts my chin and kisses my lips softly. I look away from him again. He tries to turn my head to face him once more, though, I avert my eyes away.

Sylas growls at me as he demands irritatedly, “Look at me, damn it.”

I clench my jaw as I hold back tears. I glance over at him as he grabs my chin.


“Stop. It’s overwhelming. When I first told you, I love you, you were embarrassed and overwhelmed. I feel the same. Just give me time,” I interrupt him as I speak anxiously.

Sylas lets go of my chin and pulls me close for a hug. I wrap my arms around the back of his neck as I pull myself closer to him.

“I’m sorry. It’s just, I’m not used to this. I’m sorry you have to put up with me and my flaws. I’m sorry,” I whisper as I continue to hold back my tears.

Sylas shakes his head as he whispers, “Don’t apologize. None of this is your fault. I understand that you’re still getting used to this. I would give you space, though, you and I both know that it’s impossible right now. Just think, flaws are what makes a person who they are. Sure, you have a few, but so do I. Those flaws help us become better people.”

I nod, then Sylas whispers closer to my ear, “And no one ever said that I have to put up with you. I chose to.”

I pull away slowly as I then look up at him.

“But the contract and the betrothal. You...”

Sylas covers my mouth as he interjects, “No. With the betrothal and the contract aside, you and I still have a say on whether we should be wedded or not. Besides, when I got the chance to see you once again, I realized that we’d be together soon enough. It’s whether or not I had the courage to approach you as myself.”

I smile softly as I look down. I rest my head against his chest as I whisper, “Thank you. I mean, you go through so much trouble for me. You do things that no man would ever do for their lady. So, thank you, for everything. Everything you do for me.”

Sylas kisses my head as the water from the shower beats down upon us. He lifts my chin and kisses my lips softly.

“Let’s get cleaned up and head out, okay,” he questions softly.

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