Chapter 5: The Wolf

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A/N: I'm so sorry for not posting in a while. I've been busy with finals and family issues. Anyway, I'll try to upload more. Again, sorry for the wait!💝

I wipe away a few of my tears as I smile and say, "Thank you, Cameron. I needed to hear that."

He grabs my hand as he says softly, "Of course. Anytime. You know I'm here for you."

I smile softly as I nod.

"I know. I'm here for you as well."

I pull my hand away, then we finish eating. Once we finish, we head out and back to the stores. Cameron and I part ways by going into our parents stores this time. I wanted to spend some time with my dad, so, I walk into his shop to see him eating a sandwich.

"Did Juliette make that," I question.

He nods as he states, "Yeah. I was hungry and needed something for lunch, then she brought me over a sandwich."

I smile softly as I say, "Guess you have a very loving fiancé. Congratulations."

He choked on some of his sandwich, then shakes his head as he exclaims, "How did you know?!"

I shrug and say, "I have my ways. I'm happy for you, dad. Really, I am."

He smiles softly and says, "Thank you, sweetie."

I nod, then I walk over to the register as a costumer walks in. We continue until 6 o'clock just working. Finally, we finished work and my dad drives me home so we could change. I go to my room to see that my window was cracked a little.

I freeze, thinking that someone may be in the house, but instead, I walk over to my closet to see...

A wolf?!

A white wolf sleeping soundly in my closet. He's huge! Wait, my clothes are going to get all hairy! Ugh. Great, I'm afraid to wake it because what if it's vicious?!

I rush over to close my door, then I grab my dress and slip it on, as well as some white heels. I walk back over to my closet to check on the wolf, then I walk back to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup.

I feel beautiful, for once. I smile as I turn around to walk over to my closet again, but this time, I see the wolf stretching, as if trying to wake up. I sit on my bed and grab some crackers that I had in my nightstand drawer. I throw a cracker at it, then I see it's ears move.

I throw a couple more until it wakes up. The wolf opens it's eyes and looks around, until it spotted me. We just stared at each other, until I throw another cracker, but a little closer to me this time.

The wolf eats all the crackers I threw at him, then eats the one I threw a little closer to me. I throw a few more until one landed in front of my feet. I smile softly as he walks closer.

Thankfully, once he got up, I could tell the difference. The wolf was unsure if he should eat the one right in front of my feet, but he did it anyway.

I hold my hand flat as I lay a handful of crackers in my hand. He looks at the crackers, then at me and just stares.

"Go on. I won't hurt you," I speak gently towards him.

He licks the tip of my fingers as I smile, then he eats out of my hand.

As he's eating, I touch the top of his head. He jolts back, then I drop the crackers. I look at him as I become nervous. I'm not sure what to do now. I was in a rush and scared him.

"I'm sorry. I should've asked. Not like you can understand me. Though, I'm sorry."

I look down as I grab my purse and play with the zipper. He walks up to my feet and eats the rest of the crackers, then rubs his head against my leg. I lean forward a little and gently touch his head.

He rubs his head harder against my hand, as if he wanted me to pet him this time. Could he possibly have understood me? I smile as I pet him some more, then I scratch behind his ears. He sits down as he looks up at me. It's as if he's happy.

I giggle and say, "You're so cute. Oh, your eyes."

The wolf looked shocked, then he tilts his head downward. I hadn't noticed his eyes until now.

"Look at me, please," I whisper softly.

He was hesitant to look back up, but once he did, I rub his chest and neck.

"You have beautiful eyes. I just didn't realize the colors until now," I smile as I say so.

He nudges his nose against my thigh. I giggle softly.

"That tickles."

He keeps tickling me to make me laugh. I swear, this isn't just your average wolf. He's something else. I pet his head and scratch behind his ears again as he begins to relax. He lays his head in my lap as I pet his head.

"Do you have a name," I question him.

He perks up, then I nod as I say, "You do. Hmmm. You know, you remind me of this boy I met when I was young. In fact, you both have the same eye colors, except his are naturally blue and one changes when his emotions change. It's interesting."

He tilts his head as he looks up at me. It's almost as if he's intrigued. I sigh as I look down at him.

"I don't remember much, though, just today, I remembered some more of that memory. He was the prince, but who knows what happened to him," I say solemnly.

He lays his head back down in my lap as he sighs.

"Maybe I can call you Sy for short," I question him, unsure whether he likes the name.

The wolf perks up again, then I smile as I pet him.

"Sy it is, then! I think it suits you," I say excitely.

I play around a bit by scratching behind his ears again. He closes his eyes as he moves his leg. I giggle as he licks my arm, trying to make me stop.

"Goodness, you are the prettiest animal that I've ever seen. So adorable," I say softly as I gently pet his head.

"Kat? Is someone in there with you?"

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