Chapter 9: Elijah Blackwood

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"The King?"

They both look at me with shock in their eyes. As the blonde goes to speak, the brunette covers his mouth.

"Don't mind him. Like I said on your birthday, I meant it. And, yes, the King. You'll find out soon enough. While we wait, we might as well introduce ourselves," the brunette speaks.

He puts out his hand as he says, "I'm Damien. And this is Oliver."

I smile softly as I shake his hand.

"It's nice to meet you both. I'd introduce myself, but seeming you already know who I am, what's the point in hearing it twice," I say jokingly.

Oliver, the blonde, says in a snarky tone, "It's polite."

I scoff and giggle softly.

"Please, as if you have any room to talk, blondie."

Oliver grinds his teeth together as he mumbles, "Bitch."

I giggle at his comment.

"Thank you for the compliment. Seriously, most find me sweet and innocent. It's an honor to hear that," I speak lightly.

Oliver rolls his eyes as he speaks, "That's definitely not something to be happy over. I swear, he chose the baddest apple of the bunch. What was he thinking when he chose her?"

Damien elbows Oliver in the side, causing Oliver to cough.

"Don't listen to him, he doesn't know what he's talking about. You know what, maybe we should go wait over there until his highness is finished," Damien suggests.

Damien grabs Oliver's arm to drag him away from me. Damn, I hate that guy. Damien is pretty sweet though and I like that about him. He's shown me nothing but kindness.

After another five minutes pass by, the king walks out of his room.

"Ah, I hope I didn't keep you waiting long, Miss," the King says sincerely.

I shake my head as I say, "No, not at all, sir."

He chuckles as he smiles brightly at me.

"No need to call me, sir. Let me introduce myself. I'm King Elijah Blackwood the 3rd. Though, you're free to call me Elijah. Pleasure to see you again, Miss Fournier," Elijah introduces himself properly.

Elijah grabs my hand to kiss it as he then says, "My, you've lost a lot of blood. Let's get you cleaned up, shall we?"

I nod as I smile softly. He puts out his arm, then I wrap my arm around his as he escorts me into his room. We soon approach the bathroom. He walks me up to the sink only to grab my bad hand. I wince in pain softly.

"It's okay, it'll be gone in a couple hours," Elijah says reassuringly.

I haven't gotten a chance until now to take a glance at his features. He's devilishly handsome, if I dare say that of our king that. His hair isn't gray like I expected, but instead, black and white. Elijah's hair is all black with white streaks here and there.

The funniest part is that it is natural. He was born with this hair. It's beautiful, really. He looks about my Dad's age, yet Elijah is very youthful. Though, Elijah's eyes are what catches my attention most. A beautiful light green with specks of blue.

Elijah is a tall fellow, taller than my dad and Cameron, at least. Maybe 6'3 or so? I'm not sure. His skin is a olive color, though he looks pale at the moment. Most likely due to him changing earlier.

He rinses my hand under the water, then dries it off. Elijah then pulls out a liquid medicine from the cabinet above the sink. It's almost like an oil.

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