Chapter 33: Memories Regained

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*Yet again, the flashback continues*

My mom nods, then I look up as I ask, “Are you one, too, mom?”

She nods yet again.

“Yes, but your father doesn’t know because he isn’t one. And you can’t tell him or anyone else. You can talk to Lyra, Elijah, me, and Sylas about this, but no one else," she explains.

I look down for a moment, then I look up at her as I ask innocently, "What about Seth?"

My mom smiles softly as she shakes her head.

"Yes, he's one of us as well. And yes, you may talk to him about it as well," my mom answers.

I nod, then my mom questions in a serious tone, do you want to sign the contract and be with Sylas forever?”

“Yeah, of course. I want to be with him forever and ever because I love him," I reply.

Sylas smiles as he looks away from me. His ears are a light pink, so are his cheeks.

“Alright, then let’s go sign those papers and make it official. Sylas, I’ll give you two a moment, but when you’re done, bring her to your father’s study, okay, sweetie," my mom states softly.

He nods, then my mom takes her leave. Sylas looks over at me as he beams with curiosity.

“You really want to be with me forever," he asks uncertainly.

I nod, then I look down as I answer, “I’d only ever choose you. No one else. I know you’d do the same.”

Sylas smiles, then asks, “Did you know, once we sign those papers, we’re basically engaged?”

I smile as I look away while my cheeks become a bright pink.

“You’ll have to marry me one day, then," I question, unsure of the conditions.

Sylas nods, then turns my head towards him as he smiles softly.

“I already told you I’d marry you one day. I told my parents and they’re making this happen. I need you to be my Queen when the day comes. You can do that, right," he questions in a soft tone.

I nod sheepishly, until he smiles brightly as he hugs me.

“Guess that makes you my princess for now."

I pull away to look at him, then I touch the side of his face as I say, “And you’re my prince, who saves me whenever I need him or I’m in trouble.”

Sylas smiles, then kisses the back of my hand.

“Let’s go, Princess.”

I giggle as we get off the bed, then we race to Elijah’s study. Once we get there, we all talked through the rules and conditions, then we all sign the papers. Yay! I’m his betrothed! I’ll marry him someday. Wow, I was such a freaking princess. Damn.

Huh, everything was explained just through those memories. That was amazing though! Besides the accident. Ugh, that kills me every time I think about it.

*End of Flashbacks*

I wake up to hear knocking on my door.

I sit up as I then ask softly, “Who is it?”

“Sweetie, are you okay? You’ve been in there for 9 hours and you missed lunch. Can you let me in?”

I contemplate about letting Elijah in. I look down as I think about him and everything he’s done for me. I get out of bed as a few tears fall from my face. I unlock the door and hug Elijah immediately.

He embraces me in his arms as I cry, then he picks me up and carries me back to bed. Elijah lays me down, then I sit back up as he gets onto the bed. He sits at the head of the bed and I scoot over to hug him.

He rubs my head as he whispers, “I take it, you have taken the vile?”

I nod, then I cry some more as I hug him tighter. Elijah pulls me closer, then pulls out his phone. I didn’t bother looking at what he was doing. Within a matter of moments, Sylas runs up to my door and freezes for a moment.

I glance over a little to see Sylas, then he walks over to me. Once Sylas gets on the bed, I hug him and keep a hold of him as if it were my life. He hugs me tighter as he holds me in his arms.

Elijah kisses the back of my head and whispers, “I’ll be right back. You need to eat, you’re shaking.”

I didn’t move as Elijah walks out of my room, then Sylas lays down as he pulls my head closer to his chest. I continue to cry unto him.

“Do you remember everything," he questions softly, hoping not to push me.

I nod, then I grab onto his shirt as I cry some more.

Sylas puts his hand on the back of my head as he whispers, “It’ll be okay, I promise. Just try to calm down a bit. You’re shaking horribly.”

I shake my head, then I freeze as Sylas wraps one arm around my waist and the other to the side of my face.

I look down as I whisper, “It should’ve been me, not them.”

Sylas grabs my chin, then kisses my forehead and whispers, “Don’t you ever say that again. They did what they could to protect you. You ended up getting hurt chasing after them, so, don’t blame yourself anymore. None of that was your fault.”

I rest my head against his chest again, as I whisper, “You’re right. If they hadn’t done that, then I wouldn’t be here with you.”

Sylas nods as he strokes the back of my head.

”Exactly. I need you here. I don’t know what I’d do if I ever lost you, Katya. I’ll be honest, I went through hell after the accident, because of you. I had heard the news from my dad before we went to check on you. To be honest, I was more worried about you than anything else. I told myself to worry about mourning for our losses later. You're what matters to me the most," Sylas explains.

I cry some more as his words got to me.

“I’m sorry I caused you so much trouble and pain. I won’t do that again," I whisper between sniffles.

Sylas kisses my head for a moment, then pulls away to whisper, “I know you won’t. I won’t let it happen again. From now on, you’ll always be by my side, forever. Alright?”

I nod, then he kisses my head again. I grab his hand as I hold it close to my chest, then I whisper, “I missed you so much. I can’t begin to explain.”

I kiss his hand as Sylas just looks down at me, admiring me.

“I missed you, too.”

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