Chapter 27: To Bear a Child?

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I blush a little as I look down at my notebook. I hand Damien my notebook as I avert my eyes away, feeling utterly embarrassed.

"You can look through it if you'd like. There's nothing special about it," I stately calmly.

As Damien looks through my songs, I begin to eat. By the time he finished the book, I had eaten everything on my tray.

"Wow, Kat. You're more talented than you think. Do you sing these songs as well," Damien questions as he's clearly intrigued by my so called, 'talent.'

I shrug as I say, "I mean, yeah, I'll sing them, but I'm definitely not gifted with a beautiful voice."

Damien smirks, then looks down at me, but right as he goes to speak, Sylas walks into my room.

"You used to make poems when we were kids. Funny, you were really into Shakespeare, though, look at where you're at now," Sylas interrupts Damien before he even had the chance to speak.

Igiggle softly as I turn towards Sylas.

"Yeah, I do love Shakespeare. Oh, also, Damien tells me you play guitar. You should play for me sometime," I speak softly.

Sylas glances over at Damien, then Damien smiles softly as he heads for the door.

"Well, maybe. He had taught me to play guitar as a kid. I told him not to
bring it up because that was all after the accident. I didn't realize though, he did that to keep me distracted from what was really going on," Sylas speaks solemnly.

Damien looks down as he states, "Look at who you are today. At least you're not depressed anymore. Thanks to music."

Damien bows only to then take his leave. I get up from the chair, then Sylas grabs my jacket to hold out for me. I slip it on and he turns me around to button it up.

"Are you sure you'll be warm enough," he questions concerningly.

I nod as Sylas then sighs softly.

"I wasn't going to tell you because I wanted it to be a surprise, but I wanted to take you for a little ride around Paris. And fair warning, I'm pretty fast," Sylas states with a smirk.

I smile as I look down, then I nod slowly as I say, "Alright, I'll throw on my poncho and that way when you have to change back, you can wear that. And it'll keep me warm."

Sylas smiles softly as he looks down at me. He nods in agreement.

"Yeah, that sounds better," he states softly.

Sylas grabs my knitted poncho, then slips it over my head. I grab his arm as we walk out of my room and down the hall. Once we get downstairs, he comes to a stop.

"Wait here. Come outside once you see me out front," he orders.

I look down and nod. Sylas hesitated to leave, but he ended up running down the hall to the side entrance. I walk over to the front door as I then peek through the side windows, waiting for Sy. He finally walks to the steps and I walk outside down the stairs.

"You know, I could've faced away from you and covered my ears," I state irritatedly.

Sy looks away, then I carrfully pull myself onto his back only to whisper in his ear, "Then again, I have a few guesses as to why you don't want me around when you change. I understand. Now, let's get going."

I hold onto him as he heads towards the gardens.

As Sy's walking, I whisper in his ear again, "I can't wait until I get my memories back. You know, there's so many jokes and comebacks I can make after this. Then again, that's not the only reason."

I kiss his head as I then hug him. Sy runs to the woods and takes off. He continues running through the woods surrounding Paris, We come across this bridge surrounded by a fairly large pond.

Sy stops for a moment, then I jump off his back and walk over to the bridge to see construction signs surrounding the pond and bridge. There was an accident here. Sy nudges my arm, then motions me to get on his back. I shake my head as I hold my hand out to stop him.

"No, hold on. This place..." I wad interrupted by Sy as he knocks me onto his back.

Sy takes me away from there. He runs us back home. We were out probably an hour or so. Once we get home, I turn around and cover my ears as I wait for him to change back.

He sounds just in as much pain as Elijah, if not more. I take off my poncho to hold out for him. He taps on my shoulder once he puts it on, then I shake my head as stare at the ground.

"What was that place," I question.

He looks down as I turn to see his eyes fill with tears. I grab his hand and lead him inside. I want to hug him, but he's only wearing a piece of cloth to cover him. Um, no.

Not happening... right now.

I take Sylas up to his room as I then say, "Get changed real quick. Or at least into some pants."

He nods, then closes his door behind him. After a minute or two, I hear him
wince in pain as he mumbles under his breath, "Fuck."

I open the door only to see him wearing pants, though, his abs and muscles are what caught my attention, until I saw a gash on his arm.

"How did you get that," I question worriedly as I approach him.

I grab his arm gently as Sylas looks down.

"I think when I knocked you onto my back, I scratched my arm against a tree, but I didn't realize it until after I put on your sweater. The blood stuck to the sweater and when I pulled it off, it pulled the skin as well," he explains.

I sigh softly. I shake my head as I state, "You're still as clumsy as ever. Come on."

I take him into his bathroom to clean his arm.

"Kat, you don't have to..."

"Just shut up and let me play doctor for a minute," I interject.

He smirks as he shakes his head. I wrap his arm after putting medicine in it, then he touches the side of my face as he smiles softly.

"Thank you. I appreciate it, though, I'll be fine," Sylas states.

I shrug as I say, "You're welcome. And I know you'll be fine, but I don't want it to get infected."

He sighs as he tilts his head slightly.

"You're such a mom when it comes to these things. Guess that means you'll make a great mother someday," Sylas states softly.

I freeze for a moment as he walks out of the bathroom, then I folloe behind.

"Are you really expecting me to bare a child?"

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