Chapter 32: Werewolf Genes

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*Continual of Flashback*

I shrug as I explain, “It’s okay. He’s still my friend, but he just gets a little mean sometimes because he’s jealous.”

“Jealous? Why," Sylas questions innocently.

I giggle softly as I say, “Because of you, silly! You get me and he doesn’t. Right?”

Sylas smiles softly, then looks down as he blushes. I lift his chin to see his eye change colors. I rub my finger over his lip softly as I ask, “Does it still hurt?”

He nods as he averts his eyes away.

“Mom always kisses my boo-boos when I’m hurt. Want me to kiss yours," I question softly.

Sylas smiles, then begins to blush again. He nods, then I touch the side of his face and give him a peck on the lips.

“Do you feel better?"

He nods, then hugs me. I begin to blush as I think of what I just did.

“You’re mine forever, don’t you forget that. I won’t let anyone have you, not even him. Got it," Sylas whispers in my ear.

I nod, then he kisses the side of my head.

“I’m gonna marry you someday and when that day comes, he’ll never hurt you again. I won’t let anyone harm you again," he states boldly.

I smile softly as I hug him tightly.

*Forward 2 precious years... Now Katya's 9 years old*

Sylas, the things you do for me. I love him. A couple years later, on my 9th birthday, we had a party at the castle. That night, my mom explained to me somethings. Her and I went to my spare room to chat.

“Sweetie. I need to talk to you about a few things," my mom states in a soft tone.

I nod as she continues, “You love Sylas, right?”

I nod excitedly as I say, “Of course! I love him so much! I’m his, that’s what he told me.”

My mom smiles brightly, then she nods as she giggles softly.

“That’s what I thought. Look, he loves you as well. And he’s going to be King someday. He needs a Queen and he wants you to be with him forever. If you would want to become Queen someday and be with Sylas forever, you and him need to sign a certain paper. And one day, you’ll be just like him, too. That day will have to wait though. Listen, before you sign these papers, I need to discuss something else with you," my mom explains.

I nod as she grabs my hands and continues to say, “Remember all those werewolf stories I’d tell you about?”

I nod excitedly as I grin.

“I’m going to show you something, but don’t freak out.”

I look at her curiously, then she calls Sylas into the room. I run up to him and hug him. He smiles softly, then gently pushes me away.

“Just wait," he whispers.

I nod, then my mom says, “Go ahead, honey. Katya, come here, then close your eyes and I’ll cover your ears.”

I do as she says. I could hear whimpering and whining, then I sensed some pain, but once the sounds stop, I felt at ease. I uncover my eyes as my mom had moved her hands away from my ears. I see a wolf laying on the floor. I grab onto my mom and she laughs.

“It’s okay, sweetie. He won’t hurt you. That’s Sylas. Look at his eyes. And his fur.”

The wolf stood up and walked a little closer to me, then sits down. I let go of my mom as I walk a little closer to him, then I look at his eyes. I smile softly and he puts out his paw. I grab his paw and shake it.

It’s almost as if he’s smiling. In that moment, this felt strange, new, but familiar. I know him. This has to be Sylas, right? I let go of his paw only to then pet his head.

“Can you still understand me," I question softly.

He nods his head slowly, then I smile as I say, “That’s really cool. Come here.”

Sylas walks a little closer, then rests his head on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around him and hug him. He’s so warm. That’s why this felt so familiar back at my house. I’ve done this before.

My mom smiles softly as she says, “Alright, that’s enough, sweetie. Sylas, you can stay, just don’t distract her because I need to explain this to her. Okay?”

He nods, then licks the side of my face and runs out of the room. I sigh as I look down, disappointed that he left. My mom looks down at me with a soft smile upon her face.

“Don't worry, we’ll wait until he comes back," she says reassuringly.

We wait a few minutes, then he comes running back into my room. Sylas hops onto the bed beside me and I hug him tightly. He wraps his arms around me only to then rest his head against mine.

“You don’t think I’m weird," he questions softly.

I shake my head as I say, “Even the day I met you, I never thought you were weird. This doesn’t change how I see you. Okay, I lied, it makes you 100 times cuter.”

His face turns a bright pink as he looks away, then my mom just laughs.

“You two are adorable!”

Once she calmed down and I sit there calmly, she continues to explain, “Now that you know about him, you can do that as well, sweetie. Not right now, but in the future. Sylas will learn what to do, but until then, you’re not going to worry about that. For now, just know that in the future, there’s something that you can do to make your genes kick in. I’ve given you a medicine to slow your genes down because it’s too dangerous for you right now. There’s too many people after us and I’m not risking you getting hurt.”

Sylas nods, then adds, “Exactly. Besides, I won’t let anyone hurt her.”

Sylas hugs me real quick, then I smile softly as I look down, trying to think about everything.

“So, I’m a werewolf, too, but I can’t change into one because of a medicine that slows it down, right," I question in a soft tone.

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