Chapter 76: Seth's Apology

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I relax there while Elijah grooms me, though, before I know it, I fall asleep yet again. Once I wake up, I find Sylas sitting a bowl down in front of me, then dropping two pills into the bowl as well. I glance up at him as he kneels down before me.

“Go ahead, eat up. Try to swallow the pills if you can,” Sylas speaks softly.

I tilt my head as I’m confused by how long I’ve been asleep. Needless to say, I slept a lot the next couple days, though, I stayed quite active with Sylas by walking and running through the woods surrounding the borders of France. It turned out to be quite refreshing being a wolf. It’s pretty neat. I kind of wish I could’ve learned about all of this sooner, but things didn’t turn out that way for me.

My life’s been a little too complicated for quite sometime. So, my time was up before I turned back to my human form again. I felt whole again, yet I feel a little depressed for some reason. Oh yeah, the boys told me about that. Omega’s tend to be depressed after their heat. Then again, Sylas has been giving me the anti-depression medication since my heat first ended.

Why I am I really feeling it now all of a sudden? Sylas rushes out to the cabin to hand over some fresh clothes, along with my daily medications.

“I’m sorry, I got the time wrong and I forgot to give you your depression pill. You’re not feeling upset or hurt, are you,” Sylas speaks with concern and hurt in his voice.

I take my pills before getting changed into a knee high, pastel pink dress.

“I feel fine. Okay, I’m feeling a bit unhappy today, though, I wouldn’t go as far as saying depressed. I’ll be okay, don’t worry. Just, stay close to me today, alright,” I answer him honestly.

Sylas gives me a nod, allowing me to know that he understands just how serious I am. Christmas Eve was the day I reverted back to myself, though, it passed by fairly quickly and now it’s already Christmas Day already! Sadly though, this would be the day that Seth and I had to talk. Well, not just him and I, but the four of us, as a family. We sort of ate breakfast separately before calling a family meeting in the den, beside the throne room. It's sort of like an escape route for if there were to be an emergency in the throne room.

Sylas sits beside me on the couch, holding me close to his side, while Seth and Elijah sit in the chairs across from us. I gently push Sylas away from me as I sit up straight, seeming as though, I’m my own person and I don’t always need Sylas to back me. I’m an adult now, in which, I’m going to start acting like it. Sylas seemed sort of pissed at first, but he instantly knew my intentions and gave up the fight.

“So, where shall we start,” I speak blatantly, hoping to get down to business.

Elijah nudges Seth’s arm, forcing Seth to begin this meeting. What happened next, shocked us all. I didn’t even think Elijah was expecting Seth to be so honest.

“It’s embarrassing for me enough, though, we're still family, so, I’ll be honest with you all. Katya already knows because I admitted it to her that night, but it’s only right I tell you two as well. I believed the whole twin’s story we were told when we were kids,” Seth speaks in an embarrassed tone before admitting the truth.

Seth continues to explain to Sylas and Elijah just how he felt and what he believed.

“Look, what I did was wrong and I apologize. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have acted on impulse, though, with all that I had thought, I wanted to give it a try. I know Katya didn’t do anything on purpose and I’m well aware of that. It wasn’t ever my intentions to hurt her, and yet, that’s exactly what I did. I messed up, Katya, and I apologize. I’m sorry, I really mean it. I was doing it all for my own selfish reasons. I should’ve taken your feelings into account as well, Sy. I’m sorry,” Seth speaks sincerely as he apologizes to us all, though, I felt he more directed all of that to Sylas.

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