Chapter 38: Heat

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I nod, then Sylas turns around and says, "Go ahead and lay down. I'm putting in Harry Potter, since I'm assuming we're going to be up for a while."

I nod, then I get up and walk to my bed. I lay down and get comfy. Once Sylas put the movie in, he turns off the light and crawls into bed beside me. Sylas wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him, then I grab the remote to turn on the tv and start the movie. As I'm about to hit play, he buries his nose in my neck.

I smile softly as I hit the play button, then put the remote down. Sylas moves my hair as he begins kissing my neck and my shoulder. As he sucks on my neck, on my scent gland, there's a sweet smell that fills the air. I let out a few soft moans under my breath, then he reaches his hand around my waist, and moves it up under my shirt. I'm not going to stop him.

I trust him.

He grabs one breast in his hand as he massages it. My breath becomes heavier as Sylas moves his hand away from my breast as he makes his way down my torso.

"This is okay, right," he whispers.

I really don't want him to stop, but I don't think we should do much tonight. It's not a good idea.

"Not all the way tonight," I whisper breathily.

He smirks, then sucks on my neck harder as he slips his hand under my panties and massages me. I whimper and whine as Sylas nibbles my ear.

Once he pulls his mouth away, he asks in a whisper, "Do you want more?"

I nod as I whimper more. He turns my head a little only to kiss my lips softly.

As he pulls away he questions lowly, "Who's your Alpha?"

He massages my clit as I shake and shiver only to then question me again. I moan a little louder as he moves his fingers faster. I look away from him, then he pulls his hand away, only to turn me over on my back. He spreads my legs a little, then cradles his legs over my right leg. Sylas leans forward only to kiss me passionately while he massages the outside of my panties as I begin to whimper. He smirks as he pulls away from our kiss.

"Answer the question," he demands.

I wrap my arms around the back of his neck, pulling him closer.

"You are and... Ah," I whisper breathily until he interrupts me.

He slips his hand under my panties again, only to massage my clit.

"And what," he demands me to finish.

I try to catch my breath and focus on the topic at hand.

Between moans, I whisper, "And you always will be."

Sylas kisses my lips passionately only to then gently bite my bottom lip as he pulls away.

"That's right. Don't forget it," he sfates adamantly.

I smirk softly before Sylas then kisses me as he slides in one finger into my entrance. I smile sheepishly as he pulls away from my lips.

"You're not... Katya..." he trails off.

He pulls his finger out as I then look away.

"I'm still yours. I'm still a virgin. I just... I've played around, a lot."

Sylas shakes his head as he whispers, "No wonder you need more."

Sylas sticks two fingers in me as he moves them back and forth, then I throw my head back as I say, "No... No more. Ahh, it... it hurts."

Sylas rubs the top, then presses down as I throw my head back again. He found my sweet spot.

He smirks as he whispers, "I found your sweet spot, didn't I?"

I continue to shiver as I shake my head and whisper, "N-no more... Ah! S-Sylas!"

Sylas slips his fingers out of my entrance as he then move his hand to the line of my panties. He slowly pulls down my panties as he teases me by breathing against my skin. He rubs his thumb against my clit as he presses against my sweet spot once more. Sylas moves his thumb away only to then press his tongue against my clit.

I gasp at the sudden action, which only made him smile. Sylas licks my clit in circles as he pleasures me. His soft tongue, pulls back as he cups his lips around my clit, sucking softly. I moan a little louder each time before I climax. I quickly grab onto his hair as he sucks harder and rubs me faster.

"Ah! S-Sylas!"

I throw my head back as my legs begin to squirm.

Sylas uses his arms to hold my legs down as he asks teasingly, "You're not done yet, are you?"

I look away as my face becomes hot, then he smiles and gives me a moment to calm down. Sylas crawls up on top of me only to kiss my neck. He slowly lifts my shirt and leaves soft kisses over my chest. He runs his tongue over my breasts, before he then sucks on my nipples. All the while, he's thrusting against me. He's so hard and damn, it feels so good!

I squirm some more, then wrap my legs around him as I whisper, "I... I want... I want you, Sy..."

He grinds a little harder, making me moan louder. His clothed length rubbing against my entrance.

I grip onto the hair on the back of his neck as I beg, "Please, Alpha."

Sylas stops moving only to look up at me. He kisses my lips passionately. Sylas's lips rub over mine, his tongue slipping into my mouth, exploring every crevice.

He pulls away from my lips as he whispers breathily, "You're making me lose my fucking mind."

I smile softly as he shakes his head.

Sylas rests his forehead against my chest as he states solemnly, "We can't. Not yet. I'm sorry."

I squirm around again, only this time, my body is craving his. I begin to feel my stomach tie in a knot as I thrust my hips up against his, and whine as I begin to burn up. What the hell is...

Oh fuck... Of all times.

I whimper as a few tears fall from my cheeks.

Sylas glances up at me as he touches the side of my face while he states, "This isn't good."

I continue to shed tears as I try my hardest to grind against him.

"Calm down. I'll help you, just relax," he whispers calmly into my ear.

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