Chapter 15: The Papers

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"Missy, do you know what your mother wanted for you?"

I look at him as he looks down at the floor. I shake my head as he sighs softly.

"She wanted you to have the best life.
To live with us. She and your father were going to live with us before you came along. But once they found out about you, plans changed. Then your mother wanted you to live in a safer place. Only she knew of our secret, your father is clueless."

I laugh softly at his comment about my father. Elijah looks up at me with his head tilted slightly. He smiles softly at me as his smile then fades before continuing to speak.

"She knew that we've been in danger as well, but she also knew that the castle was the safest place for you. Before her death, she had papers that she never signed. They're in my study, I'll let you read them when you're done with your bath," he speaks softly.

I smile sheepishly as then I say, "I never knew that. Ugh, I have so many questions. Though, I know, I have to wait until tomorrow or whenever I'm ready to take the vile. Also, at the last thing you said, you sounded like such a dad for a moment."

He chuckles as asks, "Really?"

I nod as I reassure him, "Yeah. Though, I'm not saying you're like my father, I'm saying how a dad is supposed to be."

Elijah smiles softly as says, "I'm trying my best here."

I meet his gaze as I nod. He truly is a great father. At least to me. Though, by the looks of it, he seems like he's a great father to Sylas as well.

"Well, you're doing a splendid job. You've been more of a dad to me than my father has been my whole life. Anyway, I'll wash up real quick, then dry off and throw something more decent on as well," I say softly.

He nods, then stands up and walks out. Elijah couldn't help but smile after what I said. He's so kind-hearted and caring. Seriously, why couldn't he have been my dad instead?!

Why couldn't I live with them before or after my mom's death? Couldn't they have done something about it? I contemplate as I continue to wash up, then rinse down to get out of the tub. I unplug the drain as I then dry off.

Once I finished, I slip on some panties, a long black shirt, with a sports bra, and some short shorts. This is my usual night time outfit, usually minus the bra. I brush my hair, then braid it off to the side.

I gather my belongings, then walk out of the bathroom as I limp a little.

"Do you need any help," Elijah questions as he's clearly concerned.

I shake my head as I say, "No, I've got it. Thank you."

He nods as he then says, "Alright then, well this will be your room while you stay here. Make yourself at home."

"Thank you, Elijah. I'll unpack my things later. Right now, I'd really like to see those papers," I say softly as I smile.

Elijah nods, then looks at his attire as he says, "Let me change real quick, then we can discuss those papers."

I nod. He walks into his room as I start to unpack.

"Ooh, that's quite a gash. Though, it looks like it's healing pretty nicely. I take it our prince was able to heal you this time?"

I nod as I look over at Oliver while I say, "Yeah. I didn't know it was Sylas this whole time, but I soon figured it out, after tonight. So, what're you doing here? Come to torture me with your hurtful remarks?"

Oliver chuckles softly as he shakes his head. I smirk softly as I glance at him through the corner of my eye.

"No, not this time. Besides, I told you, I'm done judging and making fun of you. Obviously you're worthy enough to be here and break rules. Although, I follow as the king says. Anyway, I just wanted to make sure there's no hard feelings," Oliver speaks nervously.

I sigh as I state, "Of course. Well, no, there's no hard feelings. I understand you have a job and you take it very seriously. So, I get why you acted the way you did in the beginning."

He nods in agreement as he says, "Yeah, I suppose I take this job a little too seriously sometimes, according to Damien."

I giggle softly as I shake my head.

"Well, seeing as I don't know much about you, I can still tell that this job means a lot to you and that's why you take it so seriously. You don't want to lose it. Am I correct," I question.

Oliver looks up at me swiftly as he becomes quite shocked by my statement.

"Wow. Guess you do understand," he admits.

I shrug as I put my clothes away while I say, "I'm smarter than you'd think. And tougher, too. It's just, I haven't had the strength lately."

Oliver smirks as he says, "Please, you're like a princess. You're not that tough. Okay, maybe with your words, yeah. Not physically though."

I scoff as I then ask, "Okay. Tell me, Oli. Do you have a girlfriend?"

Oliver blushes lightly as he looks away from me. I turn around only to approach him. He shakes his head, then I giggle softly.

"Did you ever think that maybe that's why," I question playfully.

Oliver becomes dumbfounded as he then looks at me.

I shrug as I say, "Just think about it. Don't judge a book by its cover. Understand?"

Oliver nods, then swiftly looks down. Elijah walks out of his room and into mine.

"Oliver. What're you doing here? I thought you went to bed," Elijah questions.

Oliver nods as he admits, "Yeah, I was about to, but I wanted to check on Miss Fournier. I wanted to see how she's holding up."

Elijah nods slowly as he becomes very weary of Oliver. Elijah then looks over at me as he fills with concern.

"Did he say anything to hurt you," Elijah asks worriedly.

I shake my head as Elijah then says in relief, "Good. Alright, well, goodnight, Oliver. If you need us, we'll be in my study for a bit."

Oliver nods, then bows as he says, "Goodnight, your highness. Miss Fournier."

Elijah gives Oliver a nod, then we soon part ways as he walks downstairs. Elijah walks me to his study as I then take a seat on the sofa this time. He approaches this family portrait and pulls it open to reveal a safe.

He types in the numbers, then the safe pops open. Elijah pulls out the papers only to hand to me as he walks to his desk to take a seat as well. As I'm reading through the papers, I cover my mouth while tears roll down my cheeks. I look up at Elijah as I he looks down with worry in his heart.

"She wanted me to live here so you all would protect me. Elijah, this is confusing. What did she want to protect me from," I question.

Elijah never responded let alone even moved. He refuses to answer certain questions until I take that stupid vile.

"I mean, she obviously wanted this. She signed the first page! Couldn't you have forged her signature or something? You're the king for goodness sake, Elijah," I exclaim.

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