Chapter 7: The Gifts

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Sy nudges me as he then scoots closer to me and lays his head in my lap. I smile softly as I pet his head.

I apologize, "I'm sorry, Sy. I didn't mean to break down all of the sudden like that. I'm sorry you had to see that."

He rubs his head against my stomach. Also, side note; I have a full size bed and he literally takes up most of it. I'm not kidding.

Sy jumps down, then taps his paw on the floor. I tilt my head as I think of what he wants. I get up and he taps on the floor again. I sit on my knees in front of him as he scoots closer to me, as if he's hugging me. I wrap my arms around him.

He rests one of his paws on my thighs. After a few minutes, I hear him growling, then he pushes me down as he sits in front of me, facing the window.

I go to sit up, but he lays his tail on top of me. He continues to growl at the window. He puts one paw up and closes the window. Once Sy moves his tail, I sit up again.

"What's the matter, Sy? Cat got your tongue," I say in a teasing tone.

He glares at me. Damn, I'm starting to think, he's either well trained or has human intelligence.

I sigh as I get up and ask, "Do you want to go? Maybe chase after whatever you saw?"

He perks up a little, then I say, "Alright, but just know, you can't come back tonight. You can come back tomorrow, okay?"

He gives me a nod, then I kneel down in front of him as I ask, "When I was at Lumiere's, were you there in the forest? Were you following me or watching out for me?"

He gives me a nod. I smile softly as I pet his head.

"Thank you. I appreciate that. Sy, thank you for being here with me tonight and comforting me. I guess I'm still trying to get over some things and it's complicated."

I look down, then he rests his head on my shoulder, as if giving me a hug. I smile softly as I wrap my arms around him.

"I wish you could stay forever. Not as a pet, but as family,"

He slowly pulls away as I look down and say, "You should get going, but I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

He gives me another nod, then I open the window to let him out. He jumps out the window and looks back at me, waiting for me to close the window. I close the window as he runs off. For the next week or so, Sy would meet me by my window at night. I know he would watch me.

Once I'd turn out the lights in the house were off, that's when Sy would come up to my window. It was fun and I enjoyed having him around. Though, I didn't want to wait a week after my birthday, but I had to because of Sy.

Not only that, everyday, I'd get some sort of gift from Blackwood. The first day was some macarons. Second was a yellow rose. The third day was actually really sweet, but super weird. So, I really like sushi and living in France, you don't find it often. Plus, I like Chinese food.

Well, on the third day, I was working in my Dad's shop, it was about lunch time so I took a break while he ran some errands. I walked back to the fridge to grab a sandwich that Juliette made for me that morning.

My sandwich was still there, but there was a dragon roll, crunchy roll, sweet and sour chicken, egg rolls, and wontons. Wow. Yummy!

Also, with every gift, I received a note. I ate some of the food and hide the rest in my mini fridge once I got home. I told my dad I went out to buy some food and this was what was leftover, though I never showed him what was inside.

Anyway, fourth day, I received lunch again, but it was a fresh pizza delivered to me. The boy who delivered it said it was already paid for. When I opened the box, there was a note on the inside.

Later that night, when we got home from work, I walked up to my window to find a rose taped to on it with a note. Then the fifth day was super sweet. I received chocolates that morning, which I found them sitting in the mailbox.

They've obviously been watching me because how else would they know that I would be the one to find these things?! Lunch time came around but I didn't receive anything. Well, I stand corrected because a woman walks into the shop holding a bag of food. They're snacks, again!

She said, of course, they're paid for as well. Yet again, when I got home, another rose was taped to my window. The next couple days were about the same. I received lunch, snacks, and a rose on my window each night along with a letter.

This is so sweet and thoughtful.

One night though, Sy shows up, and as usual, I let him in. Him and I play around, having fun, but then he stops, only to stare at the window. I look at the window as well and back at him.

"Do you have to go," I question him as I fill with sadness.

He gives me a nod. Once Sy had left, I waited for a half hour to pass. I slip on my knitted poncho and boots only to then sneak out the window.

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