Chapter 19: I Can't Look Up Now

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“No, Damien. You’ve got the wrong person. Oliver likes me, I think, just as an acquaintance. I like someone else. I’m sorry," I speak softly.

Damien looks down, then I walk up to him only to kiss his cheek.

“I hope you understand," I whisper softly as I walk out of the stairwell to see the elevator doors just now opening. Damien walked out of the stairwell shortly after, before Elijah noticed he wasn’t beside me.

The four of us walk out to the limo and get in, only to drive around the city. Elijah had quite a few places to stop. By the time he was done, it was already 1pm.

“Are you hungry," Elijah asks.

I shrug and say, “Yeah, I could eat.”

Elijah chuckles and says, “You're silly, I liked that. What do you say, we go get something to eat, then I’ll take you clothes shopping. Sound good?”

I nod excitedly. We go pick up something to eat, then Elijah takes me shopping for clothes. Also, there were certain things that I would see or try on, then I’d like it, but I’d end up putting it back.

Well, little did I know, Elijah would grab them when I wasn’t looking, then he’d have Damien or Oliver take it to the check out. I didn’t find that out until we got home. We go to the mall, since that was our last stop.

As we’re walking along, Elijah asks, “Have you ever been to Victoria’s Secret?”

I shake my head as I say, “No and I highly doubt they’d ever have my size.”

He chuckles as he shakes his head.

“Fine, I’ll take you to Lane Bryant or Torrid. You can find your undergarments there.”

I laugh softly and say happily, “Alright, sounds good enough for me.”

We go to Torrid instead and I pick out bras and panties there. I ended up choosing some bras that were pretty revealing, but I loved it and felt confident.

Right before we leave, we walk by some swimsuits that were on theclearance rack. I walk over to them to take a quick look.

Elijah approaches me as he asks, “We have two pools and a hot tub at home. Do you want to get one?”

I look over at him as I ask excitedly, “Can I really?”

He chuckles as he nods, then I pick out my sizes only to go to the dressing room to try them on. I ended up finding a black high waisted bottom with ruffles on it, then a white top, which has ruffles hanging down the front.

It looks so cute though! I’m in love with it! I hear a knock on my door, then I open it to see Elijah holding a cute black and white sun hat in front of his face.

“Can I see yet," he questions excitedly.

I giggle softly as I move the hat away from his face.

Elijah just grins as he takes a look at me.

“Wow. That suits you. I love it! Let’s see you in this hat though," he says happily.

He puts the hat on me, then I turn to take a look in the mirror.

“I like it. Wow, this is really cute. Are you sure you were meant to be a king and not a fashion designer," I say jokingly.

He chuckles as says, “Please, I’d be great at both! Better yet, I can do both if I please.”

I giggle as I shake my head.

“I’m only kidding, besides, do whatever makes you happy. You seem pretty happy as a King. Maybe stick to just that. Alright, I’m going to change real quick.”

He nods as he looks down, continuing to smile. I close the door only to strip down. I open the door slightly and hand him all the items, which he took to the front to check them out.

I get dressed, then walk up to the register to see him finishing checking out. We leave the mall, and since it’s late, we head home to change and relax before we leave again for dinner.

Once we pull up the drive, we get out only to walk into the castle. Oliver and Damien take all my clothes to the laundry room, then make another couple trips to bring in accessories to my room.

Elijah and I walk upstairs to our rooms only to lay on our beds as we relax. After a few minutes, I get up to walk into Elijah’s room.

“Since Sylas won’t talk to me yet, could you talk to him about dinner, please," I ask softly.

Elijah sits up only then to get a phone call. He holds out his hand for a moment to tell me to wait. He
chuckles as he pulls out his phone.

“Speak of the devil. Hey, son. Mind joining Kat and I for dinner? It’ll just be the three of us," Elijah says playfully.

I wait for Elijah to say something, but then he becomes shocked by whatever Sylas had said. I walk into my room to change into another outfit. I walk into my bathroom only to slip on a floral lace, yellow dress with long lace sleeves.

I put my hair half up, half down as I let my natural wavy hair take over. I roll the top half of my hair into a bun, then I fix up my makeup by adding a light brown over the purple to cover it up. It seemed to work and it still looks pretty.

I put on some light pink, waterproof lipstick. It lasts hours! I turn around to grab my purse, which is sitting on my bed, to find a red rose beside my purse. I smile softly to see a note attached to the flower. I smell the rose as I detached the note from the stem.

“Katya, if you meant what you said earlier, then you'll find me where we first met. - S.”

I smile as I hold the rose to my chest. He even removed all the thorns for me, how thoughtful. Oh my goodness, I’m so excited. I slip on my poncho, then run into Elijah’s room.

“Hey, I’ll be back. Don’t worry, I won’t be long," I say swiftly.

He smiles as he says playfully, “Have fun.”

I giggle as I run through the hall and walk downstairs. I walk down the side hall and through the door closest to the gardens. I begin to feel nervous as I walk through the gardens. I peek around the bush to look at the gazebo, but he wasn’t there.

I sigh softly as I then walk over to the gazebo to take a seat on the bench. I look down as I play with the rose, then I close my eyes, trying to calm myself.

“You look beautiful," a voice is heard just a few feet from me.

I continue to look down with my eyes closed. My heart starts to race as I can't look up at him. I'm scared, yet ecstatic! That's the first time I've heard his voice since we were children. I love it.

“I’m too afraid to look up now.”

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