Chapter 4: Happy Birthday... Miss?

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The blonde walks out of the store as the brunette stands.

"Don't mind him. He can be an ass sometimes. I hope you get to feeling better, miss. Take it easy. Oh, and happy birthday," the brunette says as he turns to walk away.

I look over at him as I grab his wrist to stop him from walking away.

"What did you just say," I question him as I fill with concern.

The brunette smiles softly as he turns around.

"Happy birthday, miss. Have a good day," he answers.

I let go of him as I stand up and exclaim, "How did you know that?!"

He walks towards the door, then grabs the door handle as he whispers, "Blackwood. Who else?"

The brunette leaves. I shake my head and think about who he may be talking about. I need answers and the only place I can think of is the castle. I'm going to go there tonight. I need to.

Now the customers come and go through the day, until noon. Right before I go on my break, I see the two men from early. I look down as I continue writing down orders of what's needed up here.

"Pick up for Blackwood."

I nod and walk to the back of the store. I bring out a cart full of meat only to push it out the door and over to their car.

"Thank you, we can take it from here. I'll bring the cart back inside," the brunette says gladly.

I nod, then I walk back inside the shop. I stand by the door as I lean against the wall and wait for them to return the cart. After a few minutes, the door opens and I grab the cart from the brunette.

"Thank you, miss. Have a great day," he says kindly.

I nod slowly as I question him, "Are you a bodyguard or protector of some sort?"

He stops in his tracks, then turns around as he says, "You shouldn't get involved with this right now. Though, I'll let you know, I'm a bodyguard, yes."

I smirk softly as I ask, "For the castle?"

His eyes grow wide as asks, "Do you finally remember now?"

Shock overcomes me as I shake my head, then he sighs as he looks down and says full of sorrow, "I'm sorry, I have to go."

He walked away before I could say anything else. Ugh! This is so frustrating!

I walk the cart to the back of the store, then Juliette walks out of the bathroom as says, "I'll take over for you. You need to eat lunch. Cameron should be going on a lunch break, too. Why don't you and him get lunch together?"

I smile softly as I say gently, "Okay, thank you. I'll be back soon."

She nods as I walk out the back of the store and through the back of my dad's store to see him woodworking.

I smile softly as he stops sawing, then he glances over at me for a moment.

"Is it time for lunch already," my father questions.

I nod as he continues, "Alright, let me clean up, then I'll take over for Cameron."

I smile sheepishly as I walk to the front of the store while my dad cleans up.

"Hey, Cam. Ready for lunch," I question softly.

He hands over a bag to a customer as smiles and the costumer turns around to walk away.

"Kat, you could have waited until they walk away," Cameron says, kind of embarrassed.

I shrug and say, "But that's Cheryl. She knows me. I know she didn't mind. Now, let's go. My dad is taking over for you."

He nods as my dad walks out of the bathroom and approaches the register.

"You two have fun and be back soon," my father exclaims as we head for the door.

I wave to my father as Cameron and I exit the store.

"Where do you wanna go," Cameron questions me.

I think as my eyes begin to wonder.

I smile softly as I say, "Well, I'm pretty hungry. Wanna get pizza?"

Cameron smiles as he nods. We walk down the street until we find a pizza place. Andre's Pizza Palace. It's the best pizza in France, for cheap! We get a pizza and some breadsticks, along with a drink.

We sit down to eat as I ask, "Did Juliette tell you about dinner tonight?"

Cameron tilts his head as he questions, "What dinner? With you?"

I nod, then Cameron shakes his head as he says, "No, I thought her and I were heading home."

I sigh as I say, "Well, apparently it's a surprise to you, too. We're going to
Lumiere's tonight, the four of us."

Cameron chokes on his drink a bit, only clears his throat a couple times.


"My dad, as well as Juliette, told me it's one of my birthday presents. I think they've had this planned for a while because they wanted to tell me about their engagement. I told her I already knew about it. I accidentally made her laugh and cry. They were happy tears, I promise. I told her I'm happy for them, which I am. I just don't know if I'm ready for a mom again," I say softly.

Cameron nods as he says, "Now you know how I feel."

I look down as I say solemnly, "I've known how you felt this whole time. It's just, Cameron, your dad isn't gone forever. He's just on another continent. My mom is gone forever. See the difference?"

Cameron glances up at me, then looks down as he says softly, "I'm sorry. I should've thought of it better. You're right, it must be harder for you, trying to accept that. But she won't replace your mom. Your mother is always with you, don't forget that."

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