Chapter 13: "Is That Really You?"

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"Stop it! You're hurting him," I exclaim.

I swiftly grab the billyclub from him and throw it into my closet. Two more wolves show up, only to crawl through my window. Oh, it's Oliver and Damien! They all surround my dad.

I grab my poncho and climb out my window. I see my phone fall off my bed and onto the floor. I quickly grab it and run over to Sy, who's waiting for me by the woods. I catch my breath as he looks at me, then he rubs his head against my hip.

"Thank you, Sy."

He gives me a nod, then I pet his head. He pokes my poncho a few times, then I sigh.

"Alright, fine. I'll put it on," I say as I'm slightly irritated.

I slip on my knitted poncho swiftly as Sy then moves his head, motioning me to get on his back. I shake my head as I back up a bit.

"I'm not getting on your back. I'm too heavy."

Sy glares at me, then growls. I shake my head again as I fold my arms.

"No," I say simply.

He begins to whimper and whine; trying to make me feel guilty. I sigh as I throw my arms up in the air.

"Damn it, fine," I exclaim.

I look down as I just approach his back.

"Just stop your whining and being adorable," I mumble.

Sy shakes his head as he looks down. In that moment, it almost looked like he was smiling. He gets low to the ground, then I crawl onto his back. I hug his neck carefully, trying not to choke him, as he starts walking through the woods.

As he's walking around the trees, Sy stops for a moment, then starts to growl. I know I heard something, too, but I wanted to stay quiet, for his sake. He looks around for a moment, until another wolf pounces at him. The wolf has dark gray fur with wounds all over him.

Sy throws me off his back as I then roll a couple times. I hit my leg against a tree, cutting my leg up a bit. Damn it, that really hurt! I look over to see Sy fighting the gray wolf, until a black wolf comes along and charged towards me.

I cover my face and curl up into a ball as I wait for the black wolf to attack. After a few more seconds pass, I hear something collapse on the ground. I open my eyes to see the black wolf on the ground, panting. Someone shot the black wolf with arrows!

I look around until I see the two women, who I believe to be the maids from earlier. They're holding a bow and arrows. They motion me to walk over to them. I try to get up, but I have a cut down the side of my calf.

I shake my head as I look over at them. I know they were looking as I was struggling to move my leg. The maids run over to me as Sy continues to fight the gray wolf.

"Here. Keep a hold of us, we'll help you up," the maids say softly.

I nod. Shortly after they said that, the gray wolf had their attention. The wolf runs over to us, but the maids shot him a couple times first, causing the wolf to fall to the ground.

Sy rushes over to me as I can see his eyes fill with worry as he stares at me. He howls a couple times as the maids retrieve their arrows.

"We'll be back. There's a medicine we can use to heal you in no time," one of the maids state.

I nod, then they run off towards the castle. Sy lays beside me and rests his head in my lap as I lean against a tree.

"Thank you for saving me and staying with me," I whisper softly.

Sy licks up some of the blood that dripped on the ground, then he looks at me, and back at the wound on my leg. He licks my wound a little as I wince in pain. Sy continues licking my wound though.

I soon calm down enough to ignore the pain. I pet his head as he cleans my wound. Once it was cleaned, my wound slowly begins to heal. I scratch behind his ears as he rests his head in my lap.

"Thank you. It feels much better now. I'm going to try to stand. So, you may want to get up," I say softly.

Sy moves his head as he then stands. I grab the tree as I try to stand, then Sy pushes his head against my arse to push me up, then he swiftly circles around in front to catch me.

I fall onto his back only to carefully stand up. I continue to lean against the tree as I catch my breath.

"Thanks. Damn, that hurt like hell," I mumble.

The next thing we know, Elijah runs over to us.

Elijah pokes his nose at my poncho, then I ask, "You want me to take it off?"

He gives me a nod, then I take it off to put on him. He motions me to look away. I cover my ears as I look away. It sounds so excruciating. Most likely because they're breaking their bones back into place. Ugh, I'd hate to hear them change the first time...

It becomes silent. Elijah grabs my shoulder to turn me around. I move my hands down to my sides, then I look at him as I grin.

"Hey, at least it covers everything. Don't worry, I'll wash it before I return it to you," Elijah says teasingly.

I giggle and say, "Well, I would say I don't mind, but I do."

Elijah chuckles, then looks down at my leg as he says, "I could smell the blood from here. Are you okay?"

I nod as I smile softly. He sighs in relief.

"Good. Here, I'll help you up on him."

Sy kneels down to the ground, then Elijah grabs my waist and my arm to help me approach Sy. I lean forward to lay on him, then I adjust my legs. I sit up a little as he stands up.

"Are you too weak to carry her after that fight?" Sy shakes his head, then Elijah shrugs.

"Alright, I thought I would check with you first. Now, get home and this time, change back. I know you're strong enough now," Elijah says adamantly.

Sy gives him a nod, then I grab onto him as he runs to the castle. Sy takes me through the gardens and up to the castle doors. I get off of him, then I stumble a bit, though, he caught me.

"So, you're not just a wolf. You're actually human, right," I question.

Sy gives me a nod.

"I kind of pieced everything together once I saw Elijah change," I add.

He gives me another nod. Sy turns around and goes to leave as I then ask softly, "Is that really you, Sylas?"

Sy stopped dead in his tracks. He swiftly turns his head towards me, then he looked away. I sigh as I glance over my shoulder at him.

"I guess I'll find out soon enough."

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