Chapter 27: Fastforwards

Start from the beginning

"C-can y-you play too?" Lauren begged of the woman.

"Sure. If you can give it a try, I'll play too." Standing up first, Kaila followed after as she wiped her tears away. Lauren on the other hand had thrown her arms into the air waiting for the woman. "Lazy girl." She teased picking the girl up and setting her on her hip.

"Hey, where'd your paci go Lauren?" She asked noticing the missing object. Pointing towards the closet Nina picked up the dirty pacifier off the closet floor. The small girl held her hands out waiting for it, but the woman shook her head. "It's dirty now. I'll grab you another one when we're downstairs. Come on Kaila." Nina held her hand out towards the girl on the ground.

Taking them both down carefully all of the attention was immediately on them. Walking over to Lain, Nina passed over Lauren as she sat Kaila down besides them.

Lain began to bounce the girl on her lap seeing her wet cheeks while Kaila hid her tiny body as far as she could behind the woman seeing as Faye was only sitting a foot away.

Nina had walked away momentarily before returning with some items in her hands.

Passing over a bottle with warm milk towards the girl in her mother's lap, Faye began lapping up the contents inside while Lauren and Kaila were more hesitant to grab theirs.

Handing one of the bottles to Lain, Nina picked Kaila up from behind her wife and sat across the room on a chair where they could comfortably sit out. Watching as her wife guided the bottle slowly to Lauren's lips, the girl eventually attached back to it.

"You're the last one." She whispered into Kaila's ear gently. Cradling the girl in her arms, Nina held the bottle out towards her. "Do you want to hold it?" She offered.

But the girl simply watched the room while the two other girls drank theirs. Chuckling to herself Nina guided the bottle towards Kaila waiting to see if she would protest. But sooner or later the bottle reached the girls lips and she hadn't protested as the teat slipped through.

Waiting patiently for some movement, Nina held the bottle in place while Kaila eventually began drinking down the warm liquid.

With no more sobs nor sniffles the women used this time to recollect their thoughts.

And one by one the girls began finishing their milk. Growing tired as they rubbed their eyes Natalia had an idea. While she was older, nothing held her back. Lifting Faye up and onto her hip with ease, Nina's mother began walking towards a guest bedroom downstairs.

Looking back she waited for Nina and Lain to follow her with the other girls. Inside what is typically her room for when she stays the night, Natalia laid Faye down on the large bed as the women laid Kaila and Lauren besides her.

As soon as she hit the bed, Lauren whined clinging onto Lain tightly but the woman only shushed her as she laid her back down. When the girl tried to sit up, Lain pushed her hand against the girls chest softly. "Go to bed honey. It's nap time anyways. I'll come and get you afterwards." She assured.

"Besides you've got Faye and Kaila here with you." Natalia said trying to help the girl adjust to the inclusion of Faye.

"Not tired Grammy." Faye mumbled as her heavy eyes already began to fall.

Chuckling at her Nina's mom began humming a little tune. Slowly all the girls eyes started falling and it wasn't much longer after when they all fell right asleep.

Walking out of the room and shutting the door behind them Nina looked to her mom in confusion. "Why'd you take them to your room? They usually nap in theirs."

"Because if the girls are really all that scared to be around Faye, then sleeping together is just going to show them that they can be around each other and not have to worry because their too tired to do anything."

"Kaila's as cuddly as a koala though. The second she finds someone she's not going to let them go." Nina said stretching her back out feeling the pain of her position last night coming to her.

"Leave the girl alone. There's nothing wrong with that." Natalia scolded.

"How long are you staying for mom?" Lain asked of her.

"Trying to kick me out I see." The woman chuckled as Lain shuffled to deny that accusation. "Oh please. I love staying here with you both, but unfortunately I have some work I have to finish tomorrow. So I'll just stay for dinner before I go home."

"Yes!" Nina snickered as she watched her mother raised an eyebrow at her and cross her arms.

"Or I can just call out sick for tomorrow and stay for a week like normal." She said making Lain laugh while her daughter laughed harder than before.

"I swear you both have the same poor sense of humor." Lain teased them.

"Yup!" Nina agreed. "And I couldn't have been more proud." She hugged her mother pressing a peck onto her cheek.

All quietly laughing as the girls napped the three women finally shifted topics as Natalia made herself a cup of tea.

"So Kaila and Lauren aren't ready to be babied yet like Faye?" She asked before blowing at the top of her mug as she sipped her drink.

"Mom, I tried to tell you on the phone yesterday that the girls are still really shy. It's going to take them more than a week before their ready for that."

"Perhaps babying them will bring them out of their shells." She suggested.

"What do you mean?" Nina asked.

"Well based off what I've seen so far, they seem hesitant to do or say anything. All I'm saying is that I think if you treated them like Faye they would open up more since they'll have to depend on you."

"Do you really think that'll help get them out of their shells?" Lain seemed hopeful.

"How am I suppose to know I've never tried it before." She teased with a shrug. "Just give it a shot and see how it goes." She leaned closer as her voice softened. "Plus it means I get to buy more toys for them if it works! I had to hold myself back from buying bags full of them on my way here with Faye!"

Laughing the women continued talking about their lives. But something the couple decided right then and there was that Natalia did have a point about taking things further with the girls.
Let me know what you think. Thanks Lexx signing off

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