86) beach boy

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A/n: I know I've made a imagine like this but this time its going to be a little different. Here are the differences, instead of a girl it's a boy. In the other story, shawn had watched aaliyah when she was younger and she en up drowning, in this that do happen. Also in my other one shes taken in an ambulance that doesn't happen either. Inspired by bondi rescue , which I sadly cant watch on Netflix or hulu


Today was just a regular day down on the beach.

Shawn, Camila and his son jaxon were just having fun and enjoying the time they all got to spend together. The beach was the perfect wheater.

Not to hold but also not to cold, of course shawn being shawn was more working than relaxing but couldn't blame him.

He loved helping others, paid or not, which he wasn't paid.

He wasn't even a volunteer, hes just a kid who would watch the new lifeguards around his age train and later he would do it.

He never went to school or anything but he was apart of the crew.

They all grew up tog and everything they knew he did. He was the best and most fit lifeguard on the team.

He wasn't officially a lifeguard but everyone knew him.

Hes helped save thousands of lives through the years and even after his son was born he continued to come down and help.

"Man go and have fun with your son and wife " jess said, he was one of the new guys,joining 6 months ago but they were already close

"I am having fun...btw were not married " shawn said looking at the water. In the far distance shawn could see something floating in the water, it didn't look like a person and he was sure of it but it needed to be removed as soon as possible,but he could finish this conversation.

"Shes the mother of your child same thing, you know what I was talking about man" jess said and shawn shook his head laughing.

"She not Jaxons mom, or at least biological. I had him at 17 we were even together until he was one. I was 18 she was 19" shawn said grab his walkie talkie (that's such a funny word)

"Hey guys, I think I'm gonna need to get out on the jet ski, there something floating in the back" shawn said.

"Oh yeah alright mate let us know if its anything " maxi said.

"Unless yall wanna do it? Shawn said putting on a life vest.

"Nah man, you bought the jet ski you should use it first " Harrison said and shawn nodded, he did buy the jetski only because they had two and he was always using one but he wasn't a real lifeguard.

Him using it could put someones life in danger so he bought another one.

"Yall its just a floatie were good" shawn said picking it up and giving it to the people who were asking for it.


Just as shawn was about to get off the jetski, happo head lifeguard came running over.

"Shawn,mate were low on staff and I'm gonna need you to do a water search. Chase the newest lifeguard said a lady who looked around 23 reported a child missing. Cant remember if it was around water or not"

Shawn nodded his head and immediately got back into the water, that's when his heart slowly started to sink.

"Hey happo...what did the lady look like and how old was the child "

"About 5'2, long wavey brown hair, brown eyes Latin , they said the kid is 5 wearing blue and red swim trunks with a black shirt..." happo said realizing who was missing "mate were gonna find him"

Shawn immediately booked it,pushing the jet ski to its limits looking everywhere.


The search had been going on for already 15 minutes but shawn wasn't going to quit. His son could be in danger and although it would be little to no chance of a 5 year old child surviving on his own it was Shawn's kid, the most powerful kid he knew.

"shawn were getting another jetski out but I need you to go rescue those two near backpacker...chase isn't skilled on jetski yet" maxi said.

"On it" shawn said as much as his heart was hurting he couldn't just let these people stand by and drown,plus they were looking for his son, he trusted these people with everything he had,he knew that.

So shawn quickly got to backpackers and grabbed the couple that was drowning.

Just as shawn was about to bring them back to shore, he noticed another 3 in danger.

Now it was a mask rescue, shawn had 5 people on the jetski and to much weight it was at risk of tipping and with weak swimmers tipping it wasn't an option.

Just as that happened, another 4 were in danger. It was now 9 people of a jetski for one 2/3 people.

Chase came over but shawn stopped him "no chase! If anyone gets off the balance will be off, it will tip" shawn said and chase nodded and backed away.

It was 4 on one side and 5 on the other, shawn had to make it even,if not it was going to tip so shawn put all his weight on one side as he rode them all to safety.

All 9 people were safe and getting checked before they left,as shawn was slowly riding up the sand while turning off the engine he lunged forward and his shoulders popped out of the socket.

"Fuck!" Shawn exclaimed immediately getting off the jetski,holding his shoulder.

"Shawn,man you gotta stop ! Your pushing yourself to far sit down" whippet said but shawn shook his head.

"My...sons missing I cant just stand and do nothing " shawn said hissing in pain.

"Shawn your hurt! Jaxon is going to be fine sit down!" Whippet excited and shawn didn't listen.

Instead shawn pulled his arm straight up and it popped back in place, but a shock of pain shoot all through his body, he knew it was bad.

Shawn knew,he knew he shouldn't have but nothing was going to stop him from looking for his son, abs nothing.

Suddenly Camila came running towards Shawn with jaxon.

Once shawn saw and realized for it, the shock left his body.

He felt everything. He felt the anxiety, he felt the relief, he felt the pain but most importantly he felt the exhaustion mentally and physically.

Immediately dropping to the ground overwhelmed with what just happened in the last hour.

"We gotta get you checked shawn" happo said helping support shawn on the walk to the paramedics.

Shawn was immediately put on oxygen and an iv. "Where were you jaxon?" Shawn said pulling the mask of his face.

"I went to the baby pool! I'm sorry daddy "

"You don't wander off. You have everyone worried!understand?" Shawn said and jaxon nodded.

"Yes daddy I'm sorry " he said giving shawn a hug" I love you "

"Put the mask back on!" Camila said hitting Shawn's shoulder playfully.

"Yeah you better be, daddy went through a lot of pain...I love you " shawn said "ah ok woman I going!"

Shawmila/Mabello Imagines Pt.2 ***Where stories live. Discover now