28)not the time. pt 2

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A/n: surprised no one asked for a part 2 and yall were crazy for thinking I'd that to you guys.

Its been a few days since shawn left and has be staying in a hot a couple blocks from there house.

Camila was tired of the space and just wanted to talk. So she texted him.

C: baby its been a few days and I'm tired of this space, can you just come home?

Shawn: sure I'll be there in a few

Shawn was at the house door and was afraid to walk in the house, he was scared that whatever happens isn't going to be good or that there gonna break up and he didn't want that.

When Camila noticed that shawn was in the house she ran up to him and pulled him in for a kiss.

Shawn kissed back but shortly pulled away when he remembered why he was there.

"Camila...I came here to talk this out and if we sent going-" camila cut shawn off.

"Right I know "Camila said sitting on the couch.

"I just want to start off by saying I'm sorry for pressuring you into posting ,I forgot that we all deal with anxiety and pain differently and I shouldn't have done what I did " Camila said

" thank you, and I don't think that my fans don't deserve a post or something but I wouldn't want them to worry about me,plus who wants to post while feeling like shit?" Shawn said with a laugh.

"True, I love you "

"I love you too, although you annoy the crap out of me" shawn said

"Shut up but were good? Your staying?" Camila asked

"Were good,I'm not going anywhere " shawn said pulling Camila in for a kiss

Shawmila/Mabello Imagines Pt.2 ***Where stories live. Discover now