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Hey guys just wanted to let you know I am curr working on a new book and it will be out as soon as possible but there are two choices.

I can either release it now/tomorrow and you guys will get updates less often


You guys can wait longer but get the full thing out at once.

There are currently 7 chapters and I'm hoping to get at least 10 before I end the book 20 if I'm feeling good.

Also another thing cam from cam and fam had said the number 222 was a angel number and if you kept see it pop up that means that they are watching over you.

I'm not sure If 21 is an angel number but if you didn't know my special needs rabbit sadly passed away April 21st 2020 a little after 3 years of having him. We got him the 8th or 10th of April.

I can't exactly remember but I had been asking for a chinchilla for a while and gave up on that so asked for a guinea pig.

We had gotten my guinea pig, noah, on may 21st 2020 exactly a mother after Richard passed.

At the time I wasn't thinking anything of it but now I honestly think that he sent Noah to us. I believe we were supposed to get noah that day.

To help us get through us missing him, especially my sister. Noah really bonded with my little sister and if it was him im thankful and I wish I always had time to sit down and talk to him or anything but I do.

My first tattoo is going to be of his name and paws and I can't wait for that day. Ever since losing him I understand the weird feelings and I'm more emotional hes the first person/animal that I've lost that was important to me.

Now I'm going to get to why i wrote this.

This was originally just going to tell you guys about traumatized/aggressive animals.

So on Sunday I was bit by my rabbit. So we have two rabbits both male. One is free range and the other is in a cage but is taken out and paid attention to every single day. We have this gate that we put up in our room and I was inside of it with him.

My other rabbit came in and I guess Oliver(on inside the gate) didn't like that and tried to bite him so I poked his side and he turned around quickly and bit me.

I'm not talking about a nip but enough to see blood, not enough for stitches but not small either. We went to the doctor just in case but I just want to say.

You cannot blame an animal for being traumatized or aggressive. They are aggressive because that's how they were raised.

We got the rabbit that bit me for someone who lives in the same apartment complex as us, they couldn't take care of him and was going to leave him for someone to take so we look him.

We nor does the people who gave us to him know a lot about him

We assume he was in some sort of fight or abused be on his ear ,at the top, it's like only attached in the middle and right below it looks as if someone cut or a rabbit bite it and his face is a little messed up to like theres a scratch or something.

It happened before we got him because it was healed he also flinches everytime you open his cage or pick him up he tenses so I don't blame him whatever.

I shouldn't have done what I did but I had to do someone and that was all I could think of.

He is a very sweet boy and has never truly bit any of us, hes like nip or grazed our skin but I must of really pissed him off. I am ok and I will forever love him.

We got him the 26th, 28th or 29th of may and that's not a long time to learn to trust people.

Hes never comfortable with us but he still like on edge at times.

So I won't just like to say if you cant be patient and handle a animal having human emotions and reactions dont get one that's been through it. You will only make it worse.

When getting an animal that has special needs,traumatized or ect you are putting there life before your.

You are saying "I dedicate all my time and effort into making sure you are happy, healthy and ok" and if you cant do that then it's not for you.

I have told me sister this and will live by this.

If I get an injury that can be fixed one way or another from saving an animal I don't care.

If getting scratched by a dog to save its life I will do it.

If getting bit by a rabbit to make sure they are safe I will do it

If my injury is fixable and the animal didn't get saved I didn't try hard enough.

Please remember to keep a look out on your pets and family

'Suicide is a solution to a temporary problem '

'If an injury is fixable do whatever it take to save that animal "

Shawmila/Mabello Imagines Pt.2 ***Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang