54) worries in the relationship

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Hey guys today I'm going to share probably the biggest and maybe only fear about shawn and Camilas relationship.

A lot of people say you can't escape heartbreak,and I think that's true.

Everyone gets cheated on or dumped but no matter what you get It one way or another.

I'm scared because Camila has been heartbroken before. She was probably really broken from the whole Matthew situation and just shitty guys but shawn. He hasn't.

Shawn hasn't had his heart broken so who's going to be that person?

I'm not saying Camila is that person but its bound to happen and Camila is the only person hes dating and I just hope that hes already had his heart broken or hes one of the very lucky people who can escape it.

Not a lot of people do,but I have a feeling Shawn's been heartbroken before but doesn't like pity so he doesn't mention it.


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