9) secret?

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"Guys imma head out, I have a date with my boyfriend " Camila said walking out of Taylor's house leaving the rest of the girls confused.

They knew Camila was in a new relationship with a new man and they way she talked about his and how happy she got when asked they knew he was a good person but when it came to knowing the person no one knew his name or anything.

It just never came up in a topic and none of them had asked yet but now they were all getting instersted in knowing the mystery man but what they didn't know was that the man was a very know man to them.

Taylor decided to text Camila and ask what time her date was over at and she said it was over at around 8.

So around 8:30 taylor and ariana (not the good friend you think she is, overrated sorry!) Were knocking on Camilas door but there was no answer so they assumed she feel asleep or went back to her boyfriends house so since they were already out they decided to drop by there friends Shawn's house.

They got there about 9 and knocked on the door, few minutes later shawn opened the door.

"Hey shawn are you busy? " taylor asked and shawn shook his head and opened the door more.

"No not really, I was watching movies with my girlfriend but she feel asleep" shawn said.

"That's weird Camila was talking about how she always falls asleep watching movies with her boyfriend because hes "soo cuddly"" taylor swift and shawn laughed and shook his head.

Neither of them had told there friends they were dating but they weren't hiding it either it just never came up in conversation and none asked, but shawn was confused on how they didn't connect the dots.

It was clear they had connected and feelings for one another plus shawn and Camila had both posted photos with there hands and legs , they should know what they look like, right?

"Yeah they are similar than you think" shawn said "well imma head to bed its pretty late now, your welcome to sleep in the guest bedroom " shawn said walking to his room and cuddling with Camila who was sound asleep.

Taylor and ariana decided to stay in the guest bedroom because it was late and they were tired, they both went to bed not knowing the suprise that was coming.

Shawn and Camila had just woken up and Camila decided that she was going to go make some coffee for herself and shawn and then they would decide together what they would want to eat.

When Camila opened the door she bumped into taylor who was just as shocked to see her.

"When did you get here?" They asked at the same time.

"I've been here all night, what about you?" They both said at the same time.

Shawn walked out of his bedroom door shirtless and bumped into Camila who was just standing there looking at taylor.

"Sorry" shawn said wrapping one of his arms around Camilas waist that went unnoticed by taylor.

"But yeah said...date with your...boyfriend...shawn...girlfriend...movie..last night.....wait! Shawn's your boyfriend?!" Taylor exclaimed.

"Ding ding you got it" shawn said laughing.

"Woah I feel so stupid. That's like so obvious " taylor said and Camila laughed.

Later during lunch it finally clicked for ariana, she was a little slow at understand certain things.


"Duh its pretty obvious already knew" taylor said and everyone bursted out laughing.

Shawmila/Mabello Imagines Pt.2 ***Where stories live. Discover now