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So if you don't know few days ago Cam from camandfam announced that her husband had passed.

I've already commented the whole story on a tiktok and I just cant do it again but to give you some background.

Her husband Landon had always had his struggles with mental health and sadly on August 13th 2020 he let his mental health get the best of him and took his own life. I highly suggest you watch the video it's very inspiring to watch her share his story it's a hard one to watch but one that is so necessary and my heart breaks for her.

I used to watch them but had stopped and I was going to watch them but I can I can't watch any videos of him it hurts. It hurt watching and I cried. I also cried myself to sleep, it put a lot of perspective and this might seem weird but it helped me forgive myself for a time I said some horrible things to someone who lost a friend and I'm telling you know if you've done something like I have or have guilt admit it,accept it and move on.

Something that stuck to me and I've noticed a lot of people do right before they take there life and no matter what happens its not your fault.

Cam had said that he had broke down and apologized for everything he put her through during her pregnancy with her being depressed to and she told him it was ok and that she loved him and no matter what will always love him. After there talk he had said he was going to take a bath,something he does every night. This is what I'm talking about.

I've noticed that a lot of people who take there life break down and apologized for everything and after that they tell or ask you if they can do something that they do every night and they have no suspicion because they do it every night,what would make a difference right?

Another thing they do is they seem more clingy and try to say and do as much as they can and the last one.

They simply just disappear for a few minutes, and those few minutes beco hours and those hours become forever.

So please check on your loved ones, they might need you.

For anyone who are having bad thoughts please message me and I will talk you through it,I will do my best to help and will away be that was no matter what

Also for people having those thoughts and ideas think about your family and friends, think about who will be heartbroken, think about who will find you and most importantly think about how much life you are giving up one.

Cam had said something and I will forever live by this

"Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem "

Shawmila/Mabello Imagines Pt.2 ***Where stories live. Discover now