53) family before family

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When my two bestfriends crystal and Rachel called me and asked if I wanted to go out to dinner. I said yes immediately its been awhile since we last talked or hung out and I missed them.

I had just gotten to there house and we were waiting for the food to arrive when Rachel spoke up.

"We called because we miss you and wanted to hang out but we wanted to ask you something and it's ok to say no"

I nodded, giving her the courage to keep going and that's when crystal took over.

"As you know were both getting older and so are our bodies and we want to have kids...hopefully in the next year and we were wondering if you would be the donor. You don't have to,you can day no or ask cam-" I cut her off right away.

"I'll do it" I said.

"So who's carrying?" I asked, it didn't matter I was just curious.

"We decided that because Rachel is older she would carry first and then I would which we hope you'll be the donor for that baby as well " crystal said.

"I will be the donor for as many kids you will allow me to" I said.

"Shawn this is very important to us...were going to be completely open and honest about who there father is but we would force that onto you and if you don't want to help or be called dad you don't have to ok? Just let us know "

"I want to be whatever they and you guys want me to be...if that's there father or if that's there parents friends I'll be happy. I'll help and do whatever you need me to do if you need it. I need you to understand one thing. Yes I am willing to father your children and be a dad if they need me but this is your baby to love ,not mine. I will love it like it's my own but at the end of the dad it is your and I'm just helping you get there " I said.

We talked for a little longer until I had to go back home.

*one week later *

Crystal and Rachel came over to have dinner with shawn and Camila.

It was a double date that was now a tradition. Whether it was the beginning, middle or end of the month we had to see each other once no matter what.

Dinner was just served and everyone started digging in.

Rachel put her fork down and looked at shawn.

"We went to the doctors yesterday and they said ill ovulate next weeks,so we need the special ingredient" Rachel said and we all laughed.

All besides Camila (damn out boys in trouble)

"What the fuck?? Why would you need Shawn's sperm?" Camila asked and that's when shawn remembered, he never told Camila he agreed to being there donor. Not that he needed permission it was his decision and well his sperm.

"I forgot to mention it but crystal and Rachel want to start the journey of having a baby and asked if I would be the donor and I said yes" shawn said and Camila only seemed to get more angry.

"Crystal, Rachel can you guys please leave" Camila and and Rachel and crystal got up immediately.

"Guys please don't fight, we can get s different donor it doesn't have to be-" shawn cut Rachel off.

"I'm doing it and nothing is going to stop that, I want to help you guys, don't listen to Camila shes being irrational right now but nothing is stopping me from doing this" shawn said and his friends nodded walking out the door.

"What the fuck shawn?! You didn't think to tell or ask me?" Camila exclaimed.

"I was going to tell you, it just slipped my memory and I didn't feel the need to ask you " shawn said

"Not ask me! Shawn what the fuck we're in a relationship " Camila said practically yelling, but shawn held back.

"I know we're in a relationship but the decision to help my bestfriend make one of there dreams come true is my decision. Whether you want me to or not I'm doing . If you csnt except that face then I don't know where we stand cause I'm going to help them as long as I can" shawn said and Camila realized she was over reacting.

It was Shawn's decision and as his girlfriend she should support those decision plus it was his bestfriend no one else.

"I'm sorry I just got a little insecure,do you not want kids with him?" Camila asked and shook his head.

"Aww baby. I never said I didn't want kids, crystal and Rachel are getting older so the longer they wait the less chance of them getting pregnant and they really want this. I need you to understand this the baby isn't going to change our relationship or how I treat our future kids. I'm going to love the baby as it is my own because it is and I'm going to be there for it but the baby is their to love and take care of until it's an adult and I'll have a baby with you the sec you ask" shawn said pulling Camila into a kiss.

Shawmila/Mabello Imagines Pt.2 ***Where stories live. Discover now