71) the same pt.2

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A/n: would it help if I made a posting schedule? Like not an exact time but a day that you guys know for sure what day you will get a chapter to a story? Also after this there will be 2 move chapters and they both include nicholas (Ngl gives weird vibes)

Camilas pov

As I was walking down the street I looked across into a little cafe and saw shawn.

I haven't seen him since the night of our argument, we had no contact and that was 3 weeks ago.

Shawn was sat in a booth with a woman who looked similar to him and a man.

The lady had gotten up and shawn looked physical terrified to be left with him, my heart broke.

I quickly crossed the road and entered the coffee shop.

The lady was in line and I slipped in behind her.

"Hi! Sorry to disturb but is shawn your son?" I asked and she turned around.

"Oh yes! Are you a friend?"

"Yes ! I met him a few weeks ago but we lost contact is that his..." I was cut off, rude.

"No that is my lovely boyfriend...I'm karen by the way" karen said and I couldn't helped myself.

"Why are you still with that disgusting man?"

"I'm sorry what?" Karen asked so confused.

"Do you really not see it? Shawn is terrified to be left alone with that man. Do you really not know what he did to your son. You really dont know that he rap-"

"Camila stop" shawn said but it was to late

"Raped " I finished.

"I said STOP " shawn yelled quickly leaving the cafe.

This time I was right behind him.

"Shawn...you needs to tell her. He was ruining your life " Camila said and shawn stopped for a quick moment, turning around with tears in his eyes.

"oh really? At least my mother's life was fine until now! I ruined it now! All because you had to open your big ass mouth and tell her " shawn said turning back around.

"She needed to know the man deserves to rot in hell" I said still following him.

"It doesn't matter if she needed to know or not! It was my story to tell! Not your. I WAS SUPPOSED TO TELL HER IT WASN'T YOUR FUCKING STORY TO TELL. MIND YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS " shawn yelled and I could feel the anger and guilt for him.

"I'm sorry...ok? I truly am but this has been happening since you were a kid and you look terrified of him. I couldn't just sit there and not do anything " I said.

"Just leave me alone...go away "

"Do you karla Camila cabello Estrabao take shawn Peter Raul Mendes to be your lofty wedded husband to have and hold through thick and thin, till death do you part?"

"I do" I said with tear in my eyes as I slipped shawn wedding band on.

"Do you shawn Peter Raul mendes take karla Camila cabello Estrabao to be your lofty wedded wife to have and hold through thick and thin,till death do you part?"

"I do" shawn said with tears in his eyes slipping on my wedding band.

"I know pronounced you mrs and mr mendes you may now kiss your bride "

Shawn pulled me in for a deep kiss.

(Do you think shawn and Camila will follow his parents foot steps and not get married or follow her parents foot steps and get married?)


"Please welcome shawn mendes to the stage ladi and gentlemen!"

"Hi, my name is shawn Peter Raul mendes and I am a sexual, physical and mental abuse survivor and I would personally like to tell you I am incredibly proud of each and every one of you...no matter how big or small the outcome even if its just being here today . I'm going to share something i think is important to know. It is never your fault and you aren't ruining someone life. I had been raped and sexually assaulted since I was a kid and up until I was 22. I was terrified of telling my mom, afraid that it was my fault and that I was ruining her happiness because unlike me the man who raped me was the sweetest person to my mother and seemed like he couldn't hurt a fly but behind closed doors he was another person. I stayed quiet because I wanted my mother to be happy that's all that mattered, I'd seen her work her ass off to provide for me and my younger sister and once he had came Into our life she was ok again,less stressed out. I wasn't even the one to tell her, it was my beautiful wife and I thank her everyday for that. It is never your fault and horrible things happen to good people and you will be ok again and you will have the life you wish to have. It won't be the same but you will survive and me and millions of other stand behind you "

Shawmila/Mabello Imagines Pt.2 ***Where stories live. Discover now