22) not the time

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Camila had just posted a new photo and was now Instagram stalking her fans, Shawn's and there joint fans.

She realized that fans were upset at how inactive shawn was and joking that they'll get music from her before him.

Which could be true, but people also forget that Camila had taken about a 2 year break and had probably wrote a bunch of song .

So it really just deepened on what felt right and what didn't.

Camila decided she would talk to shawn once he came back from where he had gone to.

That's when a picture popped up and Camila immediately realized it was shawn.

"So he got a tattoo?" Camila said to herself she knew he didn't need her permission but him not telling her made her feel a certain way.

Camila heard keys jingling and knew it was shawn, because he was the only one who had the other pair.

"Hi baby " shawn said leaning down to kiss Camila before walking to his side of the bed and grabbing a tube(its not what you think you nasty kids)

Shawn walked into the bathroom and unbuttoned his shirt, opening the tube to which Camila noticed it was aquaphor for his tattoo and applied it.

Shawn took the small towel that was besides him and wiped around the tattoo before putting back the plastic wrap that was covering it.

"I see you got a tattoo baby, you didn't mention it" Camila said placing her arms around his shoulder and giving it a kiss.

"I know, it just slipped my mine" shawn said turning around and giving Camila another kiss.

"It looks nice baby" Camila said following shawn into the Room and sitting on the bed.

"Oh yeah I was stalking our fans"

"Again babe?" Shawn said and Camila just laughed and pushed his playfully.

" shut up, anyways the fans have been a little upset about how inactive we've been and asking if we would post something so I've been trying to be more active and I think you should post something, they would really enjoy it" Camila said and shawn shook his head no.(not in a rude way)

"I will when the time comes but currently it isn't " shawn said.

"Baby when is the right time? A simple post or anything isn't really hard" Camila said.

"Baby I understand but I've always told my fans that I would rather post when I was to and feel like it then posting because I feel obligated to and that's what I feel like now and my anxiety had been acting up and if they see that it just go bad and I don't want that"

" we all have been dealing with anxiety but posting a two second video or a picture wont hurt for god sakes!" Camila said and didn't know what happened she just snapped.

"Woah calm down...I never said I was the only one who was dealing with anxiety and everyone has different ways of handling it and mine isn't through social media or people...I just need time to get my head back in the right mindset and Instagram and Twitter don't help at all" shawn said trying to stay calm but Camila was really testing his patients.

"Your just doing the same damn thing again!"

"Camila calm the fuck down and don't start this shit with me, I'm currently struggling, I miss my family who I haven't seen in months and posting a stupid ass Instagram for fans who are going to find something to complain about it's my number one priority" shawn said.

"Don't blame you you missing your family one me" Camila said snapping again and shawn couldn't take it.

"Oh my fucking god" shawn said leaning against the bed frame and rubbing his face " I never said it was your fault! Can you knock your shit off? I'm struggling and you're asking me to post a goddamn selfie? How fucking selfish are you?! Not everyone deals with anxiety like you do Camila" shawn snapped.

"Your fans miss you!" Camila exclaimed.

"I get that Camila ! But my mental health is more important than posting a FUCKING INSTAGRAM STORY!"


"Don't even...they know I care for them but I can't care for someone when I don't care for myself Camila don't you get that...I'm fucking struggling and I'm trying to fix myself and I'm pushing people away again and I don't want it like that but it's how it is and going to be for a little! And you fucking telling me to post a goddamn post isn't fucking helping!" Shawn said

"Oh yeah blame me for it! What the fuck am I supposed to do about that, huh?"

"I don't fucking know! Let me get through this and just try to be supportive! And I never blamed you!" Shawn said and took a deep breath getting up putting his shoes, shirt and jacket on.

Grabbing his passport, phone and car keys.

Shawn turned to Camila.

"I don't know what the fuck happened to you or what snapped but you aren't the Camila I adore and feel in love with...figure it out because you ruin a good thing " shawn said walking out.

Camila was left speechless, she didn't know what snapped.

Camila: come back baby...let's talk

Shawn: no, we need space. The way you snapped wasn't like the Camila I know and the way we yelled at each other isn't like us...

Camila: I know I'm sorry baby

Shawn: yeah I am too...I'll see you in a few day

Camila: ok

Shawn: love you

Camila: love you too

It gave both shawn and Camila relief when they still said I love you, knowing that this was just a bump in the relationship.

Shawmila/Mabello Imagines Pt.2 ***Where stories live. Discover now