58)shared awards

184 4 0

This is my opinion and you can disagree if you want but this is what I feel.

I feel that when shawn and Camila get nominated and win an award from a Canadian award show shawn should take it home because if shawn wasn't Canadian they wouldn't have gotten nominated.

If they got nominated for a Mexican award show Camila should take it home because they wouldn't have gotten nominated if It wasn't for her.

Here's my list of award shows and how they should go to:
Canadian award show: shawn
Mexican award show:camila
Portuguese award show:shawn
Cuban award show:camila
English award show:shawn
American/anything else: either there labels take it and decide, they switch each time they win an award on who takes it home ,or they find a place that they keep there joint awards together.

To me it wouldn't make sense if Camila took home a Canadian award show when she wouldn't have been nominated unless she worked with shawn.

It also wouldn't make sense for shawn to take a Cuban award show when he wouldn't have been nominated unless it he worked with Camila.

I just feel that that what makes the most sense.

You don't nominate someone for an award if they don't meet the standards, so if it is an award show from a certain place someone involved in the song has to be from there.

Shawmila/Mabello Imagines Pt.2 ***Where stories live. Discover now