68)workout disasters

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Today wasn't the best day for shawn, he woke up with a sore throat and a headache.

Hes supposed to go into the studio today but it's very unlikely that he will now so instead he decided to just do his workout and then go back to sleep.

Hoping at the end he would feel better, he tried his best to hide the fact that he was sick and it worked.

It went unnoticed by Camila and once he started his workout he wished he hadn't done that.

Camila didn't like the fact that shawn was working out and she wasn't.

So she decided to join but the problem was that shawn did the workouts for his body and not hers.

So everything was a struggle, he lifted more,he ran longer, his workout in general was longer than Camilas.

So to say she wasn't struggling was a lie.

Shawn was doing pushups when Camila decided to join.

Shawn was going up and down like it was a piece of cake.

Camila on the other hand couldn't get up once she was down.

Shawn looked besides his and laughed.

"What are you doing?" Shawn asked doing another push up (show off)

"Doing my workout " Camila said and shawn laughed once again.

"Baby you arnt working out you are laying on the ground...and second I've never once in my life seen you do push ups during a work out...you are doing my workout arnt you?" Shawn asked and Camila nodded.

"Yeah I wanted to try it out"

"Want me to give you the modified version? Its from when I first started it's the same stuff but just for beginners " shawn said and Camila shook her head.

"No I want to do this version...I can do it" Camila said.

"I know you can...eventually you can't go from a light workout to a heavy workout like I do. You have to build up"

"My workout is heavy!" Camila exclaimed.

Shawn just laughed.

"Baby no it's not, for your body yes and if that's a heavy work out then I don't know what's mine. This isn't mean to be offensive but I've been into physical activities since high school before I even became famous and I've been working out since my first tour...you barely started getting into fitness in 2018 and 3 years is a long time but you don't go to the gym everyday or walk or do some sort of activity which you don't need but I do. I was dead lifting 360 no belt at 16 and its not to brag but you can't just jump into the hard stuff you can hurt yourself" shawn said.

"I can do it now let's start" Camila said and shawn just let out a small chuckle.

Shawn would not be doing his arms and squats with weights.

Shawn put the weight on his shoulder with his head in front, he squat down and then back up making sure to stay balanced.

Shawn made sure to tell Camila not to give in and lean backwards or she would fall forward.

Sure enough Camila didn't listen and was on the ground.

She was lucky enough that her kind boyfriend was quick enough to grab her shoulders so she didn't whack her head.

Camila still refused to give up and they were onto the next thing.

They were doing the exact same things but the weight was now in front of there face. So they would have to fight the urge to lean forward.

Shawn had done his perfectly and now it was Camilas turn.

Camila didn't get one as heavy as shawn because she didn't weight as much.

Camila got the weight that matched her. Camila was doing good until she was about in a sitting position.

Once Camila was in a sitting position she fell forward once again thanks to her boyfriend. She was saved.

Shawn grabbed the weight right before they could fall.

The weight wasn't heavy and Camila was heavy either but combined together and after a intense workout it was a lot on his and his right shoulder was in excruciating pain.

They went to the doctors later on and found out he had a torn a arm muscle and wouldn't be working out for a while there were chances that he would need surgery but it wasn't confirmed.

"I'm sorry baby" Camila said cuddling into shawn left shoulder.

"Hmm I'm sure you are...you do know what this means right?" Shawn said and Camila shook her head no

"No sex for a couple of weeks"

"No..no sex for you I'm not hurt there are other options for me" Camila said and shawn rolled his eyes.

"Babe you really want to go there?...you have told me that no man or yourself gives you the feeling i do and if you want sex you better behave "

Shawmila/Mabello Imagines Pt.2 ***Where stories live. Discover now