33)lil story pt.2

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A/n: don't know why but I have a weird gut feeling something happened between shawn and Camila...its weird because I know that if they we're ever to break up it would be a long time from now and yeah idk something tell me something is different, different in a good or bad way,I don't know.

It was also kinda weird that Camila didn't post for Shawn's birthday like she normally does every year but since they started dating shes not done a lot of yearly things she used to.

I grabbed my years and called for my dog.

She was going to go with me.

"Koda! Come here baby " I said calling her name out and she approached.

I put her collar on, blue collar and purple collar with a black leash.

Once she was ready I grabbed my phone and jacket and was on my way to the hotel.

"Didn't think I would spend my birthday seeing her,did you bubs?" I asked koda and she barked.

Once I got to the hotel I looked down at my phone and started walking to the room sinuhe had texted me.

I knocked on the door and koda and I waited for it to open.

The door opened and sinuhe stook behind it.

"Come in please "

I walked into the hot room with koda by my side, once I stopped walking I turned to the side.

"You can sit down baby, good girl" I said petting kodas head.

"Come her baby, come here" Camila said but koda stayed still and looked up at me.

For some reason koda didn't run up to random people unless I told her it was ok or she sensed a good vibe from them.

If she wanted to go to Camila, she would've stood up and started wagging her tail, and if koda wanted to go to Camila I would let her. I wasn't going to keep my dog from getting petted.

"Shawn!" I heard my name being called and my head snapped in the direction it came from.

"Alejandro! How are you " I said walking to Camilas dad and giving him a hug.

He was the only person in Camilas family who didn't back her up on her shit ton of excuses, he never told me why she did it because he couldn't and I understand ,still to this day he'll occasionally check up on me and ask me how I'm doing.

I looked a koda and realized she was wagging her tail extremely fast.

"Go ahead baby " I said letting go of her least she she charger for him, almost knocking him over.

"When you'd get a dog?" Ale asked.

" a year in October " I said.

"What's her name?, shes a beautiful dog" ale asked.

"Koda and thank you " I said.

"Come on babe let's go so they can talk" sinuhe said.

"Can I take her with us?" Ale asked.

"Yeah just don't steal my dog" I said and ale laughing walking out the door.

I had totally forgot the reason I came here or who i was in the room with,until they cleared there voice.

"Oh...um can you make this fast I'm not trying to have another one of my birthday ruined by you " shawn said and Camila looked up at him and shook her head.

"I didn't ruin your birthday " Camila said

"Yeah you did" I said.

"No I didn't shawn"

"God Camila if you cant admit the fact that you ruined and broke my heart on my birthday than being here is fucking useless" I said

"No,no,no I want to talk this out " Camila said and I looked at her.

"Talk this out? Its been over a year...there's nothing to talk about " I said.

"Yeah there is, there so much to the story you don't know and I want you to.."

"I don't know if I want to whole story...if it was that important it should've been told to me sooner not a year later when I already got my shit figured out again." I said.

"Please just listen...it will give us another chance at...us" Camila said and I shook my head laughing.

"Us?....Camila there isn't an us anymore and its been like that for a year" I said.

"Please just stop! You act like I wanted this...I had to do this!" Camila yelled shawn completely ignoring what she last said.

"You broke up with me! You ruined the relationship not me! So don't try to fucking put this shit on me!" I yelled back.

"You act like you were the only fucking on hurt!" Camila yelled at me

"Cause I was! You were out with a different dude the next month! The next fucking month and if you truly were hurt it was your own fault! I never told you to break up with me! I never asked for my heart to get broken by the girl who I thought I was going to marry! I. Didn't. Do .this. you caused your own pain no matter the reason " i said.

"I'm sorry that nicholas Galitzine tried to tell you I cheated unless I broke up with you " Camila said and I was confused, he was nothing but sweet and supportive to us

"Huh? Why didn't you just let him say that...we had a good bond and relationship I know you wouldn't have done that...it would've saved me a lot of heart break you know?" I said laughing a little, causing Camila to giggle.

"I know that now,dummy...I just wish I would've contacted you sooner and maybe there would be a chance for us" Camila said and I looked at her.

"Maybe there is.....I said that because at the time I only saw the Camila that broke my heart on my birthday and was out with her co-star the next month...not the Camila that was confused so maybe there's a chance " I said.

Camila looked up at me and crashed her lips onto me.

"So you said I was the girl you were going to marry?" Camila said teasing me.

"Shut up...not anymore " I said and Camila pouted so

I kissed her

Shawmila/Mabello Imagines Pt.2 ***Where stories live. Discover now