18)cancer free pt.2

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It was the next day and shawn was going to announce to his family that he was cancer free and 100% in remission.

Shawn knew the second he got the news that his wife was the first person he would tell because it was not only his fight but it was also hers.

People could disagree and agree that it was shawn going through it,and although that was true Camila stayed strong for shawn even when he didn't have the strength to.

Camila was strong and so was shawn so that mad there marriage even stronger so the announcement had to be just as big.

Although Camila was the first and most important person to know he wanted to do it all in special ways.

(Next parts will be in bits and pieces and will make sense when you read it)

Aaliyahs reaction

Shawn knew from the second he was diagnosed he had cancer how he wanted to tell everyone that he beat it.

Since aaliyah liked hockey so much, he would be taking her to an ice skating rink that he rented out and each hockey puck would have a letter on it

Spelling out "I'm cancer free"

When shawn and aaliyah step foot on the ice he was took a deep breath.

Before skating over to the middle, where he and aaliyah would have a match.

It wasn't an even game because shawn needed all the hockey pucks in the same goal.

As aaliyah was making points Camila was arranging them in order.

Aaliyah had just made the last point and finally realized that there was letters on the pucks.

Skating over to the letters she was left speechless.

She could believe the words in front on her,she knew he was going to beat it but never expected it to be this fast.

Aaliyah turned around with tears in her eyes.


"Yeah" shawn said with tears in his eyes nodding.

"Oh my god" aaliyah said hugging shawn.

Parents reaction

To announce the amazing new to his parents he was going over to their house and singing to them

It wasn't a new song or anything like that but one day ,a very hard day.

During chemo Camila couldn't make it so his parents went with him instead.

Shawn wasn't feeling the best and he jokingly said that when he beat cancers ass he would go over to there house and singing youth.

The song he Hope's encourages kid, teens, and adults to keep pushing because life is amazing and sometimes shawn doesn't feel like that.

He feels life is crumbling down at some Point but he tries to stay positive.

"I'm bored, is my old mic and speaker here?" Shawn asked looking at his mother.

"Yeah it's in your bedroom"

"Want to watch?" Shawn asked and everyone followed him into his old bedroom

Shawn had just finished playing youth and his parents haven't caught onto Shawn's hit.

"So you remember during a chemo session, I was feeling like crap....and I jokingly " shawn carried out and Karen finished his sentence.

"Said when you were in remission you would sing youth..."

Shawn's mom and dad immediately engulfed me into a hug and cried.

We all cried but this time it wasn't out of sadness it was out of pure joy.

(Let me know if I should do a part 3 for friends also if you have any guilt about your past or your feel bad for someone forgive yourself and learn from your mistakes! I know how it feels and it's hard because I've said some fucked up things but i know realized what I did and I think before I speak it's a learning experience)

Shawmila/Mabello Imagines Pt.2 ***Where stories live. Discover now