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Shawn hated not being in control.
Shawn hated sitting in silence.
Shawn hated knowing people didn't like him.
Shawn hated that he wasn't as vurnable as he wanted to be.

Shawn hated almost everything he could never have control over and Camila knew.

Sometimes Camila question or not if shawn had OCD as well because she saw a lot of herself in shawn.

But she doesn't want to self diagnose him,because that's not the right thing to do.

She was diagnosed by a doctor a few years ago and at first she didn't see it but then slowly it hit.

Her OCD fed of of her anxiety, the more she wasn't there from her anxiety the more her ocd acted up and she needed to love her self and anxiety.

She saw that all in shawn,when she was 22 that was around the time she became super vurnable with herself and the people around her.

She still struggles with it but less now.

She saw everything in shawn,but also saw the difference.

Shawn hated silence, silence meant the voice in his head could talk.

Silence meant everything he couldn't control would control him.

His anxiety, panic and worries took over.

When they first started dating shawn would find ways to get Camila tired faster so once she was asleep he put on rain noise or anything.

Silence meant chaos

But chaos to him meant silence.

Slowly Camila noticed how he acted.

When it was silent his face would be covered in panic every second, but when it was loud his face was calm.

He was ok inside and out but when the chaos went away so did his calmness.

Camila also realized how shawn slept.

They went over to her parents house and it was dead silent because it was the middle of the night.

Camila feel asleep but shawn was wide awake. When she woke up she could she the sleepiness in his eyes.

He was fighting to keep his eyes open, but later that night they went to a party.

Once again it was the middle of the night and music was blasting but shawn was out in seconds.

The second the chaos calmed down,the second he didn't.

Slowly through there relationship shawn learned to over come his fears and Camila learned to over come her fear, they over came them together.

Together they learn what to share and what not to share with others. They learned who and who they couldn't trust. They learned how to properly love,they learned to stop WONDERing about things that were in their control.



Shawmila/Mabello Imagines Pt.2 ***Where stories live. Discover now