39) last dance...

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A/n: I get a lot of inspiration from a tiktokr that I follow and just what's on my fyp and I had an idea, few ideas, of what I wanted but forgot it and remembered this one btw, its 12:26 when I started this and I have to be up at 6:30 for online school so...shh

Shawn and Camila stood in the middle of their kitchen dancing to there wedding song, holding onto each other for as long as they could.

It had been 2 years since shawn and Camila got married and here they stand in the kitchen moments away from being strangers again.

It hurt them both to say it because they vowed that they would be together till death and neither of them were dying or close to it.

Honestly they don't even know how it came up it just did, it happened and they had realized that there relationship wasn't perfect and that they had things to work on within them and together but you can't fix someone or something when you cant fix yourself.

So as much as they loved each other for the moment they were going separate ways.

What sucked the most is no matter how much they tell each other they'll be together again, it doesn't promise anything, you don't get to choose who you love it just happens.

Camila loved,loves and is in love with shawn.

Shawn loved,loves and is in love with Camila but something within them knows they need time apart and its not because they feel out of love or there is no longer love its because they love each other.

The song had finished and both shawn and Camila pulled away from each other slowly savoring every moment, just incase it was the last.

Both shawn and Camila shakingly grabbed there pen and signed the papers.

All was left to do was send them, and then the court would confirm it and it was over.

Shawn had already packed his things because they decided Camila would take the house.

"Can...can....I kiss you?" Camila asked.

Shawn just nodded his head and Camila ran towards shawn giving his one last kiss.

" I love you " shawn said grabbing his bag and heading for the door.

"I love you too" Camila said looking away as shawn walked out the door,not looking back.

They couldn't, if Camila looked at shawn and if shawn looked at Camila they would give in and it would cause problems in the relationship .

It had been about 3 months since shawn and Camila last seen each other.

They had both stopped eating and fallen into depression, Shawn's anxiety and mental health was decreasing every second and was having panic attacks left and right. Camilas OCD and mental health was also decreasing every second.

Everyone was catching onto it and they knew what would fix it but Camila and shawn never did anything about it.

Camila knew shawn helped her stay calm and relaxed which helped with her ocd.

Shawn knew that Camila kept positive and it helped him keep his anxiety down.

Shawn and Camila both new since they suffered from pretty much the same mental health that when something was wrong they knew and they tried there best to get one another happy again.

Shawn was always there for sofia, Camila was always there for aaliyah so the sisters of the pair decided to come together and fix what happened.

They had been talking for the last couple of weeks setting up a time where shawn and Camila were in the same place and that was today.

"Come on shawn, we're gonna be late for our reservation!" aaliyah yelled.

"Come on Camila, you dont what to be late to dinner " Sofia said to Camila.

"Ugh" both shawn and Camila grunted.

"Why are we even here liyah?" Shawn asked aaliyah, he didn't want to be in public he wanted to be at home staring at photos of Camila, wishing he was there and not where he was now.

"Stop complaining you big baby, you'll thank me later " aaliyah said dragging him towards the restuarant.

Aaliyah and Sofia made eye contact in the distance as shawn and c started across the street.

It was the place they had gotten all there jewelry for each other from, including Camilas engagement ring.

Both shawn held back tears and took a deep breath, they caused this, they caused the pain not anyone else.

"Shawn!" Sofia yelled.

"Camila!" aaliyah yelled.

Both shawn and Camilas head snapped in the direction there name was being called, and in the mist of all of that they made eye contact.

Camila almost couldn't comprehend the sight she saw in front of her, but she was off in seconds running towards him.

She doesn't know what took over her but her body knew that her source of happiness was shawn and that where she was going.

Camila leaped Into Shawn's arm, legs tightly wrapped around his torsos and arms wrap around his neck.

Shawn tightly held Camilas waist bringing her as close as she could get, spinning them around.

Shawn set Camila down and immediately connected there lips, afraid of reject but felt relief when she kissed back with just as much passion if not more.

"Never doing that again" Camila said and shawn nodded in agreement kissing her again.

"So mr. Mendes I noticed you never changed me from wife nor removed my last name" Camila said smirking.

"You shouldn't be talk! You legit still have my name karla Camila cabello Estrabao MENDES" shawn said.

"Ok shawn Peter Raul cabello Estrabao mendes" Camila said.

(I know it's not super common for men to take the women's last name but I feel if the women has to take the mans last name, and show a form of commitment that the man should to, plus if they were to have kids a lot of latino kids get both parents last name so they would have 3 already...this just made me think if shawn and Camila were to have kids they would have a long ass name or possibly because they would have there first name, and then shawn has two middle names(his grandpa from his mom and dads side) so they could possibly have two middle names and then they could have the chance of having just shawn last name, shawn and one of Camilas last name or Shawn's last name and both of Camilas last names so they could have a name better 3-6 word name)

"Damn you'd made my name so long" shawn said.

"No I didn't! It was already long, if anything you made mine longer " Camila said and shawn nodded his head.

"Nope" shawn said looking down at Camila.

"I had 1 first name 2 middle names and 1 last name" shawn finished.

"You had 1 first name 1 middle name and two last names"

"We both had 4 word names" Camila said confused.

"Correct and than I gave you my last name so you now have 1 first name 1 middle name and 3 last names giving you a total of 5"

"I took not only one but both of you last names giving me 1 first name 2 middle names 3 last names giving me 6"

"Shut up let's go eat" Camila said.

Shawmila/Mabello Imagines Pt.2 ***Where stories live. Discover now