21) talk

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Hey guys I just need to rant and talk to someone little anyone.

So my parents arnt together and they're been on and off until they officially ended it couple years back.

I've always had a rocky relationship with both my parents, my dad was just never around for the beginning of my childhood and hes here now but I'll never be able to bond with him how I could if he was always around and then my mom we just clash heads to much and she says stuff apologizes and then says it again so there's no point in apologizing what has been said has been said.

When mom and dad decided to finally end the relationship he also moved out and we didn't get to see him for a few months till he met me at school and gave us phones he bought us.

We hid them from out mom and she found them, long story short we found see him for a few months and then our mom would cut him off.

Until finally we could see him again and its been like that for 2 years now anyways.

Tbh I never saw my parents as together they were always separated and that's why it was easier to cope with it so when she said they were together it was kinda hard to process, they didn't act like a couple.

Anyways my mom has full custody over us because when they were going through the process (don't want to give to much information out) we would all be put in foster care until it was figured out so my dad gave them up, or at least that's what he says but either way I'm thankful I wasn't put in that position.

I've been thinking for a while I want to live with my dad but I don't know how to tell my mom that and I don't think she'll let me. I'm just tired of arguing with her and I feel like if it was with my dad I wouldn't have to worry about saying something wrong or that would irritate her.

I just don't know how to tell her or anything.

Also hope you guys got the hint on my last post, if you have comment the hidden message!

Also happy 10 years of one direction to all my 1d fans...tbh I was never into one direction they make amazing music and everything but it never clicked for be but i do listen to them from time to time.

Also who's existed for Taylor's album??? Again not a huge fan of taylor swift, I honestly haven't even listened to lover...I've only hear you need to calm down and lover remix and orginal.

But do love some of her song

Thanks for reading!

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