55) beauty

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As I went to school i was thinking about how people body shame and put down shawn and Camila.

Is Camila perfect?no
If Camila always in the best shape?no
Is Camila always a good person? Most likely not
Is Camila human?yes
Does she have feelings?yes

Is shawn perfect?no
Is shawn always in the best shape?no
Is shawn always a good person?most likely not
Is shawn human?yes
Does he have feelings?

Are they allowed to make mist and be perfectly imperfect? Yes

Yes Camila may have a little extra stomach but it doesn't make her less than anyone else.

Yes shawn might not always have abs but hes just as important as someone who does.

Yes Camila isn't the best dancer or tweaker, but at least she's doing something she loves.

Yes shawn sometimes looks funny dancing but hes having fun and letting go in life.

Yes some of Camila dances are a little more mature than others and some things that are required in the dance are sexual and involve touching but its work. Camila is just doing her job like the dancers are and she not the one making them someone else is shes just doing what shes told(remember from from a really young age she was forced into wearing heels,dressing sexy and looking perfect)

Yes shawn is late to post on important things in the world,but he gets it done and it gets the message across, we have no idea what he does behind close doors unless he tells us. For all we know his mom could need a sugery that cost 12,000 dollars and we wouldn't know.

Yes Camila wears outfits that are more sexy that she does off stage. Again it is her job, she wears what is giving to her and you want her to preform in pjs? That's her time to explore different clothes that she might not be comfortable wearing.

Shawmila/Mabello Imagines Pt.2 ***Where stories live. Discover now