50)all about timing.

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So I was just watching a performance for Camila singing all these years and it was really making me think.

I know that most people are just joking and just being funny but I'm sure there are people who were being serious.

I know a lot of people have said it was Shawn's fault they didn't get together sooner, because he should've said it .

Yes I do agree that its Shawn's fault but it's also Camilas.

In her song all these years it literally says "I should've told ya". Imply she wishes she told shawn about her feelings .

Personally I feel like Camila wrote should've said it because she was angry and upset at the timing and was just being bitter (nothing wrong with that btw!) About it.

I will also say this everything is about timings. So you can't just push something onto people it takes time.

Now the most important thing. It is BOTH there fault that they didn't get together sooner because there is no law or rule that says the boys MUST make the first move because come on, that's what most girls make it seem.

So yeah.

This is off topic but do you just ever over think so you second guess everything, like what you've said, who you stan and how you shipped? Or ship? Like I'm pretty sure we all have options and thought that suddenly change but will never admit it because we know we shouldn't have changed our opinions or that well never tell anyone else because we don't want people thinking we changed or that we don't stand up for what's right or just me?

I also feel like sometimes people say or agree with other so they don't get attacked and they keep there true opinions to themselves and just write it down somewhere. Nothing is wrong with that because sometimes your opinion doesn't change, sometimes you just overthink causing you to ask to many questions and doubt yourself, but if you just stop thinking and let it be you'll either forget about it or the world will answer it for me and if you forget it or brush it past you its probably nothing


Shawmila/Mabello Imagines Pt.2 ***Where stories live. Discover now