Chapter 4: Hello Floor

Start from the beginning

Looking down at herself finally she noticed what should have been the same rags she was in last night, was now replaced with an extremely long plain black shirt. Her eyebrow raised as she held the soft fabric in her hands.

Even more nervous to go downstairs than before, Kaila twisted the door handle slightly surprised to find it unlocked.

While she was confined to her cellar for most of her day back at the facility, it was a common thing amongst the girls that any door they saw was definitely going to be locked. Not only that, she was surprised that the woman would allow her free roaming access through the home. "Is this a trick?" She questioned nervously standing at the edge of the room.

"But the note." She reasoned looking back at the small sheet of paper on the table as her tiny feet creeped out of the bedroom.

Her body trembled as she looked around seeing nobody in sight. The further away from the room she got the more apparent it became how large the home was. Having already passed three bedrooms, the girl was now stood on a inside balcony looking down into the living room.

She awed internally. 'Do I have to remember where everything is?' She thought to herself as she groaned already beginning to take a mental note of where everything was on the top floor.

As she quizzed herself briefly about the interior layout of the upstairs she was hit by a smell. One that was familiar but it wasn't connecting in her brain.

Taking a deep breathe she got a massive waft of the strangely pungent air. Following it closely she found the stairs. Creeping down slowly she was wary as two different voices started becoming more and more known.

One of which she was quickly able to identify as the woman's, but the other she had never heard before in her life. This one sounded much more energetic than the woman and was laughing up a storm.

Hearing not only the voices she could hear something sizzling. Finally as the signal reconnected in her brain, it hit her. The smell of something purely meat was known. "Bacon." She felt her mouth begin to water at the thought.

Letting her lips part open slightly she followed the smell as she picked up her pace. While still slow enough as to not make a single sound on the stairs, the small girl was quickly trying to make her way down wanting desperately to get her hands on the tasty substance.

Turning the corner at the bottom of the staircase she could see the silhouette of two people standing in the kitchen. Throwing her back against the wall she breathed heavy as she shut her eyes. Her breathing picked up as she nervously prepared herself to meet the people who bought her.

"Uh hello." She heard a voice quietly say right next to her.

Kaila screamed. Startled out of her spot hidden behind the wall, she fell onto the floor in the open. Landing on her back her head was thrown back hitting the floor hard yet softly. She yelped as she came in contact with the floor. Immediately she felt a tear being forced out of her her as her eyes opened and her lips quivered.

"I-I'm...s-sorry." She heard the same scared and nervous voice say again to her. Looking in front of her Kaila's eyes went wide when she realized who it was in standing before her.

With the same tan glow and brown hair she recognized her from the facility. Her mouth was wide open as she looked in disbelief at the commotion she had caused. She was frozen. Standing as still like a picture she just watched as Kaila laid flat on the floor in front of her.

Before Kaila had time to react to the familiar face she heard a loud shout coming from a different direction. "Kaila!" She heard the woman yell worried as she kneeled at her side. Helping her sit up Kaila held her head sorely.

Now without the pressure on the back of her head all the pain came rushing in. And the tear she was able to suppress earlier started coming right back, along with all of its friends.

Letting her tears run free now, Kaila sobbed as the throbbing pain made her whole body shake. And in her panic she felt two arms wrap around her tightly as they rested her head against their chest rocking her soothingly.

Feeling another set of hands remove her own hand from her head, they began to feel around for any abnormalities. The second voice, the one she didn't recognize, was now right behind her. "She's fine babe. There's no blood."

Hearing the woman breathe in relief Kaila wiped the tears from her eyes clearing up some of her blurry vision. Turning to look behind her she saw another woman. She had the sweetest mocha skin with shining brown curling hair and eyes.

Looking behind her she noticed both women looking down at her. She tried to stop her crying but with the tan skinned woman saying soft reassurances into her ear—she couldn't. It only made things worst. She could feel their pity for her and that only caused more tears to come out.

"Lauren come here." The other woman called holding her arm open for the terrified girl still standing frozen at the staircase.

Walking over slowly she got down leaning into the woman's open arm. Rather than being met with violence she was confused as the woman held her close rocking her as well.

Both girls were as confused as ever.

Neither of them knew what to expect out of today but this certainly wasn't the morning they were expecting.
Let me know what you think. Thanks Lexx signing off

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