𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧. 𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒔. 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒘𝒔.

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I sit next to Elena, tears streaming down my face as I stare at her lifeless body

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I sit next to Elena, tears streaming down my face as I stare at her lifeless body.

"Wait," Jeremy says, reaching into her front pocket and pulling out the Gilbert Ring. "She has this in her pocket."

I look up at him, confused. "Lina isn't a supernatural creature, Jeremy."

He shakes his head. "A doppelgänger counts. And besides, I think she is. She's crazy strong, her eyes flashed amber after she... after she killed Elena, and she's died and come back to life a few times."

Everything clicks. Wolfsbane hurt her and even said it. Lina is a wolf.

Jeremy slips the ring onto Elena's finger and we wait, hoping for a miracle.

I stand and walk over to Lina and Damon. "She's gonna be okay," I tell them.

Lina turns to me, her eyes filled with guilt and fear. "What are you talking about? I killed her."

"She had the Gilbert ring, and you're a supernatural creature," I explain.

Lina lets out a relieved laugh. "She's gonna be okay?"

I nod. "But we have to worry about you now. Whether she stays dead or not, you still killed her and activated your curse." I sigh. "When's the next full moon?"

Lina looks uncertain. "Um... a few weeks from now."

"That should give us enough time to figure something out and restrain you. Your bite is lethal to vampires, and so far, there's no cure."

Lina's eyes widen. "What am I going to do?"

"We'll figure it out," Damon reassures her, his voice steady. "We always do."

Elena stirs, gasping for breath. Jeremy rushes to her side, helping her sit up.

"Elena!" I exclaim, rushing over. "Are you okay?"

She nods, still disoriented. "Yeah, I'm okay. What happened?"

"We'll explain everything later," Jeremy says, hugging her tightly. "Right now, let's just be grateful you're alive."

I glance back at Lina, who looks a mix of relieved and terrified. "We'll get through this," I promise her. "Together."

Damon pulls Lina into a tight embrace. "We won't let anything happen to you," he whispers.

Lina nods, clinging to him. "Thank you."


"This is too much to keep up with," Damon complains.

"Take some notes then," Lina grabs a mug from the cabinet and places it on the counter, "Klaus and Elijah are brothers. They are original vampires. Klaus is here to break his curse. He needs a wolf, a vampire, and a doppelgänger to break it. That's why Elena and I were kidnapped. Original Vampires can't be killed as of now but Klaus is an or more so will be an Original Hybrid."

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