𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧. 𝒉𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏

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"I want to apologize," I tell Elena, my voice quiet, "for everything I said

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"I want to apologize," I tell Elena, my voice quiet, "for everything I said. I am selfish, it's true. And I lied. I just don't care about myself. I love Caroline like a second sister, I love you because you're amazing and my twin. I love Jeremy and he is the best little brother anyone could ask for. And I love Jenna who is the best aunt and the most perfect and coolest guardian ever. Sometimes I lie and I hide the fact that I don't care about myself enough by not caring for others," I look down at my lap, "I'm sorry. Those two arguments we had... I'm sorry."

Elena nods and gives me an understanding look, "Your life has been hard since the moment we were born and I'm sorry, Evelina. I'm sorry that I never did enough to change it. And I am sorry that I didn't pay attention enough to notice."

I pull her in for a hug and my tears fall onto her shoulder, "Am I forgiven?"

She laughs through her tears, "Of course, Lina. You're forgiven."


Elena walks into the kitchen fully dressed and barely I glance at her before looking back at my chocolate.

"Chocolate for breakfast, really?"

I shrug, "Piece offering from Damon," I take a piece of chocolate out of the heart-shaped container, "he got me all my favourite things."

"He must really like you," she says. "Which isn't good."

"It isn't. He's a dick and after what he said to me and done to those I care about, he deserves to rot in hell. He just doesn't want me to be mad at him apparently," I sigh and take another bite of my chocolate. "I contemplated throwing it all away but how could I? It's all of my favourite stuff."

She smiles playfully, "which means he likes you but I advise you not to reciprocate those feelings."

"Trust me, Damon and I," I pause, closing the heart chocolate packaging, "Never gonna happen."

"Good," she nods as she opens the fridge.

"Where's Jeremy?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Rebelling against me," she tells me, "he wants to join the search party looking for Vicki."

"I'll talk to him," taking my chocolates, I head up the stairs towards Jeremy's room, "Jer?"

"Come to yell at me?"

"No, I came to encourage you," I pause and lean against his doorframe, "If you wanna search for your not-girlfriend instead of joining Elena and me at our lame-ass school, be my guest."

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