Author's Note

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Whoof! Finally, after long 6 months THIS FIC IS COMPLETED (drumrolls please)

I'm extremely sorry if I made it too long. The thing is I was planning this for quite a while before publishing it, hence so many happenings. English isn't really my comfort zone and I'm not very fluent, so I actually had a difficult time writing this. Also, let me not talk about the lack of my "brevity" skill which is the reason I can't explain things in short paragraphs/fewer words which are also the reason for this fic to be SO DAMN LONG😅 (the last chapter was the longest with 5K+ words sksksksk)

Another thing I'm sorry about is, I took a very long to update this. At first, it was daily then it became every other day and then suddenly it became an average of 4-6 days😓 The thing is, I'm a very problematic person irl and every other thing triggers me (jk jk) But I have very low self-esteem and there were times I had breakdowns and didn't want to continue and just delete this work and disappear (I'm sorry😣) Bc it always made me feel like no one really connects to the story or waits for it to be updated. But I was wrong and you guys are very sweet.

So, I want to thank every one of you. Everyone who read it, left votes, left comments (especially the ones who are always engaging in every chapter, I love you so much🥺 and I don't think I need to take names bc you know who you are😏) and even the ghost readers— THANK YOU SO MUCH FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART😭😭 Trust me, I've never been complimented so much in my small 18 year lifespan. Y'all always kept me motivated and wanting to write more.

Write more? mhm😏😏 Yesss, I'm already planning another fic and that will be TAEGYU again (duh!) but it will have a hint of BEOMJUN (bc why not!) and YEONBIN as a side ship (with some others as well asdfgh) and Hueningkai will have a big role to bring the main ship together.

I can't promise that I'll be back soon but I'll try my best. I have a lot of loose pieces of the story but I'm threading it all along. It won't be angsty and too long (hopefully!) as this one so please anticipate.

Anyways, please take care all of you. Drink a lot of water, eat a lot of healthy food and rest well. Please use a mask and take precautions every time you step out.

If you ever feel like talking to me or you want to see more from this universe, please contact my CC, it's linked in my profile. (i know i won't get any messages but anyway :33)

That was all from Taesquiger, your author-nim🥰

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