Only One

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Taehyun's eyes widen and his mouth dries. He tries to speak but he's too shocked for that. Shit! Was I that obvious!?

"Come on, Taehyun. Do you think I didn't notice how both of you exchange looks? I was sure there's always something going on between you and him. That's why, I never liked him", Sewoon chuckles.

Fuck! I can't let him know! Taehyun, do something, say anything.

"Yo-You're wrong, Sewoon. There's nothing between us. He is...straight", Taehyun's voice came almost inaudible.

"Let me tell you one thing, Taehyun. He doesn't love you", Sewoon snapped which made tears form in his eyes.

"He will leave you alone for good. Mark my words. I don't know why he looks at you that way but trust me, don't waste your precious time on him. He doesn't deserve your love"

Taehyun fell silent.

"Whenever I tried to come closer to you or said sweet things or flirted, he always glared at me but didn't make a move to get your attention. Do you know what that means? He will never show his interest for you, even though they're fake. He wants to stick to his god damn nickname 'the straight one among the gays'. Even when his friends call you too boring, he never really opposes", Sewoon continues.

"The thing I did today, he would never do this for you. And the reason is very clear- he's just playing around with you. When he's had enough fun, he will leave you alone to suffer", he grunts as he comes closer.

These words. These words aren't new to Taehyun. He hears this every day, every night. The voices....they always tell the same thing.

"Even this boy gets it but you won't"

"He has no intention of keeping you"

"Once he's done, you'll have no one by your side"

"You wanna know why? Cuz you're filthy, dirty. No one loves you hahhhaaa"

Sewoon is saying something right now but all Taehyun can hear is this voice. He hates it, despises it.

"SHUT UP", Taehyun suddenly yells at both those voices and Sewoon as he covers his eyes with his hands.

"I didn't say anything wrong, Taehyun", Sewoon speaks making Taehyun angrier.

"Listen, Sewoon" Taehyun gulps, trying to calm himself. "You're a nice guy and a nice friend. I don't want to go further. Please respect my decision. And about me liking someone else. Well, that's not your place to say if I should waste my time or not. Now if you please excuse me, I want to leave", he turns away.

Sewoon stares at Taehyun, tears visible in his eyes. He finally smiles, sadly.

"When he breaks your heart, I'll be there for you. Even if just as a friend", Sewoon sniffs. "Take care okay?" He steps forward to hug Taehyun lightly.

And with that said Sewoon leaves the place.

Taehyun sighs. I feel really bad for him.

He looks at his watch to see that lunchtime is over by now and quickly exits the place.

Little did he know that behind a tree hid a certain ash-blonde boy who eavesdropped the whole conversation.


Taehyun walks in the almost empty hallways, his eyes searching for someone. And he sees his group of friends part away and enter their classrooms.

Taehyun frowns at the absence of his boyfriend. Where is he?

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