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It's Friday. FRIDAY!!!

Due to the absurd sound of the alarm, Beomgyu's eyes shot open. His hand reach for the clock to stop it but with a happy mood. It may be the first time he isn't irritated because of the sound as he didn't stop it only for going back to sleep.

Jumping out of the bed, he is quicker than usual to do his regular morning routine, his brightest smile shining upon his visuals. After all, it's the day he's going to Taehyun.

But his mother is really happy to have her son's old happy mood back. Although he didn't want to have breakfast, she knew something was up for his smile.

"Are you going somewhere?", his mother asks, eyeing the way he's all dressed up in a pastel pink shirt with white pants and white shoes with his hairs neatly styled.

Beomgyu shots his blinding smile towards her, confirming that she's right. "I'm going to Taehyunnie. He's getting discharged today"

"Really?", his mother looks up at him, with a genuine smile. "Should I pack some food for him?"

Immediately, the ash-blonde's lips form a shape of 'o'. As if why he didn't have the idea first.

"Let me make something for him instead"

With that said, he quickly made some banana pancakes. He also packed some honey syrup as that's how Taehyun likes to eat them along with fruits.

"You should eat something before you leave", his mother who was concerned by now gives a harmless suggestion.

"Don't worry, mom! I'll eat with him. I've packed extras", he answers back while packing the stuff before his mother's question makes him look up to her, across the living room.

"How about you stay with him tonight?"

"C-Can I?", he stutters.

"Of course" she puts down the W Korea magazine to meet his eyes. "He may be discharged but he's still sick, you should take care of him"

And her words make him smile. According to him, he's got the best mother ever.

Without wasting any more time, he jolts out of the house, of course after getting kisses from his mother. He walks down the street at a swift pace as he carries the lunch box folded in a cloth.

Instantly, he fishes out his phone and turns on the front camera and holds it up to shoot himself.

"Taehyunnie~", he sings while bringing up the box he's carrying. "Look I made you pancakes. By the time you see this, we'll be cuddling on your bed", he giggles. "Also, I'm going to buy you flowers now"

Stopping with a serious look, he brings the phone closer to his face. "I really hope you can forgive me. I know I've been terrible to you but trust me, I want you to be okay. I want us to be okay", he tries his best to not sound wobbly, gulping the lump in his throat. And then, he jumps towards the flower shop being all happy and enthusiastic.

"Good morning, gentleman", the middle-aged florist greets and the ash-blonde greets back. Before she asks what he was looking for, he states that he wanted to make a bouquet himself.

"Okay! You can pick your flowers from there", the florist points to a corner where there's different flowers on the display. Somehow, she seems really happy at his request, not every day you see a person arrange flowers themselves.

Beomgyu places the clothed lunch box on a wooden table and heads to the flower-filled corner of the shop with his phone still recording. "What should I choose?~" he sings while looking for the flowers. His eyes land on the beautiful yellow daffodils and a warm smile appears on his face. Remembering yellow as the younger's favorite color and daffodils as his favorite flower, those seem perfect. So he grabs some of them and shows them to the camera.

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