I Love You

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[continuation of the last chapter (I Like You)]:

Head filled with worries about the older, Taehyun quickly takes a shower. As it's raining heavily now, he hopes that stubborn hyung will be gone already because he doesn't want him to catch a cold because of him.

He's gone by now, right? the brunette thinks as he's trying to dry his hair. To distract his mind, he listens to music for a while. But nope! He can't concentrate so he rather decides to do his homework. If only his head and mind will let him to.

"Ughh!", Taehyun growls at himself. "It's been an hour, Tae. No way he's waiting there. So stop worrying", he hits his head lightly.

After minutes of internal turmoil, he finally finds himself hiding behind the curtains of his window. He takes a deep breath and shakes his head.

"I'm only doing this to make myself believe that Beomgyu hyung isn't standing there in the rain because I told him to go away. Okay"

His eyes widen when he slowly peeps through the curtains and man, it breaks his heart. He immediately runs to get two umbrellas, a towel and puts on his slippers before heading out.


Beomgyu is totally soaked by now as his blonde locks are sticking to his forehead.

He will come. He has to. I know he likes me, he thinks as it's getting harder to stay here. He's starting to feel cold and so put on his blazer, maybe he'll even catch a cold next day.

When he loses all his hope but his stubbornness doesn't let him move, his eyes catch a glimpse of an angel.

A certain angel with big doe eyes in a yellow sweatshirt and black shorts with an umbrella above his head and another in his hand along with a towel, is heading towards him. The waves of perturbation is totally sensable. But Beomgyu can only smile at the sight.

"Hyung!", Taehyun runs as fast as he can. He brings the older in the shelter of his umbrella quickly and hands him the other, ignoring the hammering of his chest.

"T-Take off your blazer", he commands and Beomgyu silently obliges as he is handed the towel as

The older wraps the towel around him and unfolds the umbrella given to him. He just can't hide the smile on his face, which doesn't go unnoticed by Taehyun as he leads them to his apartment silently, blushing ear to ear.

Taehyun locks the door when they're inside and sighs. He puts the blazer for laundry, places both the umbrellas on one side, and takes out all the books from his bag to place them in a nearby table. As expected, everything drank up a lot of rainwater.

"What did I tell you? Why didn't you go home?", he fumes after turning to face the older.

"And what did I tell you? I waited and yes, you went to bring me", the blonde replies back, coming closer.

The younger let out a sound of frustration before taking Beomgyu's arm to make him sit on the couch. He makes sure to place a towel beneath the older and snatches the towel he gave him earlier.

"You're too stubborn", he rubs the blonde messy hairs thoroughly to dry out the excess water as the older just stares at him.

"Because I know you like me too"

And those words make Taehyun stop. As he inhales to talk, Beomgyu cuts him off by taking his one hand and placing it against his chest.

"Listen to my heart, Taehyun. Look into my eyes", the older's voice comes so sweet that Taehyun can melt right away. "They never lie about feelings"

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