Fireworks (Date pt.2)

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"So, what do you want to eat?"

They're now seated across from each other inside a decent restaurant in the park premises, the plushie and their hats put aside, and after their own reasonings, Beomgyu won the discussion with "I'm the one who asked you on a date so I'm paying" and Taehyun had to give up.

The ash-blonde let Taehyun choose whatever he wants. They knew the place wasn't very crowded for the time being so their food would arrive sooner than they expected. But still, something was very awkward.

Every time their knees bumped into each other's under the small table, it made both of them mushy and nervous at the same time.

They didn't know what to talk about while waiting for the food because they've only been out with their friends, thanks to their never-ending stories and boisterous laughter that they didn't experience silence for one minute. But now that they are by themselves and although Taehyun has always wished for a date with only Beomgyu, they totally don't have any idea how to keep the flow.

They keep glancing at each other secretly with admiration in their eyes and the moment food arrives, they visibly exhale a sigh of relief.

"It's okay to be nervous in the early phase of your relationship"

They look at the waiter simultaneously as the man is setting up their table with food, making him laugh out awkwardly at the sudden attention.

"Ahh, when I was coming over with your food, I kind of noticed both of you are being very shy so... I'm sorry though", he responds shrugging as Beomgyu waves his hands.

"It's okay. It's just our first date"

"Really? I hope you have a good time then"

The waiter puts the bowls of their ordered Naengmyeon (Cold Noodles) before each of them, the cans of cola and cider in the middle and then bows finally, moving away.

Taehyun takes the cider can while Beomgyu takes the cola, opening and bumping against each other's as a start to dig in. The older splits his chopsticks to curl his noodles before devouring it. But when he's about to relish the taste, his eyes betray him, falling at Taehyun and suddenly Beomgyu is blown away.

The bright reddish-yellow light from a nearby window enhances the radiance of Taehyun's golden skin as if the sun is made to kiss him. The way he brings the noodles to his mouth with the help of his chopsticks; his lips forming a small 'o' to ease off the relatively low temperature makes Beomgyu stare at them fondly. And when he slurps a mouthful of his noodles along with pieces of meat and vegetables, an evident bliss takes over his features as he closes his eyes, chewing and savoring the taste. Adding his flailing brown bangs over his forehead, Taehyun looks just ethereal.

Beomgyu swallows, trying to act normal despite the younger's effect on him. He watches Taehyun gulping down more of his noodles, some of his cider before he catches Beomgyu's eyes on him, causing his mind to run a mile but he manages to smile sheepishly.

"Hyung, eat quickly! Your naengmyeon is warming up"

Beomgyu huffs out a queasy laugh in response before looking down at his bowl, still full. He wraps a few strips of his noodles around his chopsticks and munches them down.

Surely, the noodle dish isn't as palatable as it is when cold but Beomgyu doesn't mind at all. In fact, he's thinking about how breathtaking Taehyun looked a while ago and how he's screwed up most of their time together when he could've experienced the gleeful feeling of being with the younger, take him on dates and see him eat with a lot of appetite instead.

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