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"Why are you still breathing?"

"What's left for you in this world anyway?"

"Just die, it's easier"

"Who wants to see your face?"

"You're a burden to everyone"

This is what normally Taehyun heard when his eyes were closed. Every part in his body felt numb, as if there's nothing. And those voices seemed to tell the truth anyways. It's him who never acknowledged them, rather tried to fight.

But right now, he doesn't have the courage or energy to fight them. He's been fighting for a long time but it looks like they were always the winners and he was just being an idiot. As if he knew the truth all along but tried very hard to change it.

The train of voices were still in his head when he suddenly sensed an angel. Although his body was cold and smelled like medicines, the sudden presence of this angel came with a little warmth and comfort. And the next thing he knows— it's a lavender scent lingering in the air.

At first, he thought he was finally dead. Is this what heaven feels like? Is it really over? Will he never see his friends anymore? Will he never see B–

"Look, hyung is here"

He listened carefully. And he recognizes the voice like the back of his hand although it's really muffled. It is indeed an angel, his angel.

Really vague. But he could swear he heard those words. He tried to listen more, he really did his best but the figure was speaking really slowly as if not wanting to disturb him. His fingers felt a bit ticklish and soon after the scent became stronger.

He didn't hear the next words properly but he heard 'Love' and then followed a faint 'Hyung misses you a lot' and he knows, only one person calls himself that way. 

"...only love you….kiss you…."

The feeling of tranquility took over him. There wasn't a word for a while but he knew he wasn't alone there, he knew he had someone. To be honest, his ribs suddenly hurt a little, but he was loving it, whatever it was, a dream? an imagination? truly an angel? He just wanted it to be there.

Whatever it was, he felt an urge to open his eyes. Let it be a dream. He has nothing to lose anyway.

That's when he felt something on his eyelids. Something as pure as flower petals. If he was to describe an angel's kiss, that feeling would perfectly fit it. And then he again tried his best to hear the words clearly this time.

"I love you, Taehyun", the sacred voice spoke. 

But not long after it started to dim. The angel, the warmth, the lavender scent everything just vanished within a few seconds. He waited for quite a long time. It felt like a deja vu. Someone growing hope in your heart and then turning their back, you wait for them to return but they don't.

The need of the presence made him impatient as hell. Past few days were really tough for him. The smell of blood everywhere and then medicines were killing him, things weren't working on him because he had no hope in himself. This was the only moment he was feeling better. And he wants it back.

So, he tried his best to open his eyes. It wasn't easy at all but not impossible as well. He tried to talk, to call that angel back. He tried to move his hands, unclench his jaw. 

"B-B-Beom….", he took heavy breaths to gain energy as he was able to move his index fingers and then waekly stretch out his hands.

"Beomgyu hyung…", he finally spoke out as his eyes shot open.

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