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I'm sure everyone is aware of what is going on. I don't care if you're white or non-white. I don't care if you don't give a damn about politics. I don't care if you live on the other side of the world where it doesn't affect your lives. No one has the right to snatch others' rights. Think about what you would do if it were you, your loved ones.

Social media is a place where we can unite. You have a platform and you should raise your voice for what is right. Sign petitions and trend the hashtags as much as you can. Let's get them punished.

Stop the violence. Stop the hatred. Stop the racism. It has to end.


"Taehyun-ah, I'm back! Are you do-", Soobin clacks open the door only to find no one in the bed. Frown takes place in his face immediately.

At the same moment, he's astonished to see the room's state. The IV stand laying on the floor, the bedsheet messed up, the empty antiseptic bottles scattered near the bathroom, his nose scrunching up at the strong smell and what rises his curiosity to the peak is the wet floor with blotches of red.

"Wh-What has happened here?", he mutters under his breath as he walks into the room. He looks up again to see the bathroom lights on and that's the moment when he notices a shadow. Instinctively, he turns to the opposite side of the room and his eyes widen.

With the help of his long legs, he sprints towards the window. He's never ever been so thankful for being this tall.

"KANG TAEHYUN!", he yells loudly as the mentioned tiny boy shakily turns around, standing on the windowsill. His legs slightly stumble and he loses his balance. But before his body starts to fall backward, Soobin manages to grip his forearms. With great force, he pulls Taehyun and they both fall on the floor together.

"What were you trying to do, huh?", the raven-haired growls as they sit up, shaking Taehyun. He has never raised a voice to anyone this way, not even at Beomgyu. "Answer me, Taehyun! What the hell were you thinking?", he shouts less loudly as he eyes a new cut on the younger's face and his sanguine hands.

Meanwhile, Taehyun blinks as if he broke out of a spell. His eyes well up when he hears his hyung scolding him. He eyes the window once.

"I was... I-", he speaks with a small voice. "He *sniff* he didn't even bother *sniff* doesn't love me *sniff* doesn't care"

"Okay, okay. Hush!", the raven-haired protests in a calmer voice. Taehyun cries his eyes out, how's he supposed to let him talk at this moment!? He hugs Taehyun and caresses his back gently.

When the brunette's sobs get quieter, Soobin helps him to stand up and walks to his bed. He didn't show how panicked he was but he managed to take out a bottle of alcohol rub and some bandages along with cotton balls from the bedside drawer. He makes the other sit and quickly presses a buzzer as he needs people for cleaning everything in the room and then, he again sits beside Taehyun to dress his wounded hand after taking care of the cut in his face.

"I understand you, Taehyun! But this isn't a solution"

"Nobody loves me", Taehyun sniffs. "It's better if I-"

"Who said that to you??", Soobin cuts, anger visible in eyes.

Taehyun goes quiet for a moment. And when the raven-haired is about to talk, he continues.

"Gi-Gijung had said to me"

The name pretty much makes Soobin flinch. It's the first time Taehyun mentioned the name in the last 3 years. He thought that the younger had already moved on but seems like he never did. And that's what makes him realize how much, just how much he was suffering which of course, makes him hate Beomgyu even more.

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