The Secret

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Years went by in a glimpse and Taehyun turned 14. And Soobin became closer to Yoongi and Jimin. With his every visit, he always brought gifts for them. Even though they didn't really accept them at first, Soobin's parents assured them that it wasn't a big deal. And Soobin's house here in Busan being exactly a road across, perfectly opposite of their shared house kinda made them feel comfortable. The four of them started spending a good time together.

Taehyun's domestic life was pretty good, even without his parents, he learned to embrace the world. Sure he missed them and that's what kept him determined all the time.

But somehow, Taehyun never experienced a normal school day. Because he was quiet most of the time, he wasn't liked by others. A very intelligent student, a favorite of the teachers, the topper in the whole class. And studying a grade higher than he's supposed to only made things more difficult. He had bullies too, always commenting about not having parents, living with men who like men and what not.

"All of you! I've to punish you bad", the math teacher yelled, making the whole class silent. "Everyone except Taehyun barely passed the test. Why does only one student get the full score? Do I not teach everyone of you the same thing?"

The comparison itself made Taehyun a little flinch as he could feel some really angry eyes on him.

"Kim Gijung!", the teacher called, causing the mentioned male to stand up from his seat, head bowed down.

"Aren't you the class president? Aren't you a year behind? You're a model student and 57 in mathematics wasn't expected from you!", the teacher scolded. "Learn something from Taehyun! He's almost two years younger than you. Don't you feel ashamed?"

"I'm sorry, Ms. Na. I'll do better next time", he quickly stated and then clenched his jaw but that didn't last long as he noticed the brown-haired boy with big eyes glancing at him apologetically.

The bell rang, indicating lunch break as the teacher warned them once again and the students sighed in relief, some already showing their hate towards Taehyun. Two boys came up to him when he took out his lunch box.

"Yaa kid!" One of them pulled a strand of his hair, making him wince. "Couldn't you get a lower score to cover up for us, huh?"

"Get your hands off me!", Taehyun scoffed as most of his class started laughing at his misery and some ignored.

"What're you gonna do? Bring your two daddies and dance around?" Another asked and the whole class burst in laughter.

Taehyun was about to say something when he noticed someone, a seat further than him, got up and went out, some girls eventually following. He quickly picked his lunch box and ran away from the class.

Walking past the grounds, he was in a rather quiet place, behind the bushes. Waiting for someone, his only friend for the last three years.

Didn't he leave earlier? Why isn't he here yet? He wondered.


An instant smile appeared on his face and he turned to the voice.

"Gijungie Hyung~", he called back, eyes sparkling.

"Hyung? I've told you a thousand times to drop the honorifics", the slightly taller boy mumbled as he took a seat beside Taehyun.

"But you're-"

"Just take my name as everyone does, yeah?", Gijung cut him off rather coldly.

Taehyun stiffened, a little. But then smiled widely and offered his lunch box to the other.

"Look, I made sandwiches myself today. You don't bring lunch, so take mine" Taehyun hopefully offered and Gijung took one.

"I'm really sorry, Taehyun. You're so sweet but I never tell anyone that I've been friends with you for so long", he swallowed the food and looked down at his feet. "I'm the class president and I do nothing about your bullies. I'm such a coward"

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