Waiting For You

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WARNING: Mention of self-harm and blood might be sensitive to some readers.

Beomgyu rummages through his drawers, trying to find an old diary. He's not a messy person but then he's not an organized person either. So it takes a bit long to find his diary.

Once it's been found, he goes through the pages one by one. Not too many entries. He always forgot about this diary and when he was reminded, he would write about the following day. Then again after a long time he would repeat the same. Other than journals, it had to-do lists. What he would buy first for Christmas, which subjects he needed to revise and such.

The last thing he wrote was about some months ago. 'Things I wanna do with Taehyunie once I come out'. His hands touch the page lightly and he reads the list. Dates, movies, shopping, visiting Daegu and what not. It makes him sad, disappointed that he couldn't give the younger all those. But it's not the time to think about the past, so he takes a deep breath and flips the page to a new one.

He takes the nearest pen and starts writing. 'Things I've to do before and after Taehyunie is back home'. He makes another to-do list with many new activities. He checks it thoroughly once more. And he's so determined to complete the first thing on the list which is buying daffodils for the younger when he visits him this Friday.

Beomgyu has made a promise to himself, he won't go to Taehyun's apartment till he's back. He won't go there because he doesn't need Taehyun in something, rather he needs Taehyun himself. He wants to wait, have patience. Because he's heard patience may be bitter, but its fruit is sweet. He has even decided to make a 5-day video series for the younger.

'While waiting for you'- He calls it. It will contain what things he did while waiting for the brunette's return and how. He made a short video today as the starting, showing his to-do list and what he was eating for snacks, how his summer assignments were, maybe he would include some of his music in it too. He also mentioned that he was sleeping well. He didn't want to show up all groggy while receiving his baby.

With that said, he sticks the to-list in his study table and then walks to his bed to take an afternoon nap.

I can't wait to see you, my love.


The room feels much quieter because it's either too white or lacks a presence of a certain ash-blonde. Taehyun feels bored. But rather than bored, he's sad. The loose blue hospital gown makes him look smaller than Beomgyu's sweaters do.

He keeps on staring at his wallpaper with so much concentration that he doesn't even sense someone else entering the room.

Soobin clears his throat to catch his attention and smiles softly when he looks up to him, quickly Taehyun hides his phone which doesn't go unnoticed by the taller.

"Food is here", Soobin helds up the tray with fruits and a bowl of soup as he walks up and places it on the table beside the bed.

"I'm not hungry", Taehyun mumbles, looking nowhere. Soobin knows the reason for his loss of appetite very well but still tries to keep in a good mood.

"Don't say no to food", Soobin chimes with a bright smile. "C'mon! Say aah", he brings up a piece of apple to the brunette's mouth, only for him to turn away.

"Taehyunie, what's the matter?", the raven-haired worriedly sits on the bed before him.

"Beom.....Beomgyu hyung didn't come to visit me?", the younger asks with a lot of courage and Soobin can sense the longing in his voice.

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