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I miss him, Beomgyu thinks as he's going crazy that Taehyun isn't waiting for him to walk together since that day.

Sure, both males just walked and didn't talk like couples do or hold hands because Beomgyu didn't like being touchy in front of people. Too many eyes, he says. But even silently walking made him cheerful. He never mentions it to Taehyun but those morning walks with the younger until their friends join them always put his mind at peace. It's enough, at least for Beomgyu.

What is unbearable for the older is that Taehyun behaves normally in their friends' presence but when Beomgyu leaves him paper chits to meet at their secret place, he just ignores them.

And this Sewoon guy sitting with them every fucking day at lunchtime is making Beomgyu's mood even worse.


"Okay guys, so how about we go to movies together?", Sewoon asks with a colossal smile.

"Yes yes, please!!", Hueningkai adds in, "Our class had a tiring math exam today. I just need some break. Man, today's exam was something"

My Taehyunie definitely nailed it, Beomgyu smiles himself.

"Taehyun definitely nailed it. God! He's the smartest guy I've ever seen", Sewoon happily states making Beomgyu roll his eyes.

"Yeah sure, let's go. Soobinnie, you're free right?", Yeonjun asks while munching on his hamburger.

"Yes, I am. But I don't think Taehyun can make it", Soobin remarks as he remembers the brunette being busy.

"What!? Uh, he can't? Are you sure, hyung? Hueningkai, can we go next time, please?", Sewoon requests being disheartened making Beomgyu lose his patience.

"You're acting as if you're already his boyfriend", he finally comments, testiness flowing in the words.

Sewoon smirks. "Well, hyung. It's just a matter of time before I truly become. I will make him my boyfriend very soon"

Of course, he isn't blind. He was damn sure that this Beomgyu guy had something for Taehyun.

The other friends thought that Beomgyu actually disliked Sewoon because maybe the ash-blonde thought he wasn't good enough for Taehyun? But there wasn't a reason, to be honest. I mean, he is handsome, tall and pretty smart. And the best quality of his is showing his love for Taehyun.

Then they thought maybe Beomgyu didn't like that for the first time someone noticed Taehyun over him. Now, you can clearly see Beomgyu is the one who gets unwanted, unnecessary attention. Maybe it hurt his pride? However, these were only some assumptions made by their friends.

Beomgyu angrily stood up from his seat. "Hey! Taehyun didn't even say that he likes you or something. Why the fuck are you getting your hopes high?", Beomgyu growls while most of the cafeteria looks at him.

"Uhh Beomgyu, you're over-reacting", Soobin tries to reach his arm.

"No, I'm not. I just don't get why you guys are falling for this boy's words. Is love only about showing the world?", Beomgyu thunders louder.

"No, Beomgyu. Calm down first.", Yeonjun grabs and makes him sit.

"Yeonjun hyung, don't take his side. I don't think Taehyun is interested in this guy anyways. All of you should stop trying to pair them up"

"Why are you behaving so rudely with my friend, Beomgyu hyung?", the question thrown at him makes him snap his head around to only find a frowning Taehyun, crossing his arms, just a little away from them.

"Ohh hi, Taehyun! How did your exam go? I'm sure you did well. I was just talking about you", Sewoon sings while wrapping his arms around Taehyun. Taehyun just awkardly smiles and pats his back.

"Leave.Him.Right.Now", Beomgyu gritted his teeth, "He's totally not comfortable with that action."

Taehyun pulls and moves away a little from Sewoon which didn't go unnoticed by anyone. Yes! He is not comfortable.

"Beomgyu hyung", Taehyun calls.

"Stop being so nosey about my life". Beomgyu was about to say something but the next words made his breath hitch.

"People might think we're dating", Taehyun spoke with a poker face, emotionless, staring right into Beomgyu's eyes.

Beomgyu could feel his lips tremble. He didn't say anything, no one did. Everyone just looked at them back and forth.

Suddenly, Beomgyu grabbed his belongings and stood up. He neither uttered a word nor looked at anyone. He just rushed through the door leaving everyone's mouth agape. Only Taehyun looked his way worriedly. I'm sorry, hyung.

Beomgyu keeps his pace fast as he walks towards the washrooms. Tears threaten to fall anytime. He quickly enters a stall and let them. If the hallways weren't so busy, anyone could hear his sobs. He felt so angry that he could easily ruin someone's face by punching them hard. He even places a loud one on the walls but ends up bruising his own hand, just a little. But this isn't a pain for him. He comes out after a sobbing session and then goes to the nurse room to treat his knuckles. All he wants is a break and sleep in his bed. So he decides to go home early today.

After some moments, the cafeteria became chit-chatty as earlier. And everyone returned to their mood except this specific friend circle.

They never saw Beomgyu speak so rudely to someone or Taehyun become so angry. They were baffled at the two's actions. They got it clearly that something had been off between them.

"So the movies are still on, right?", Sewoon tries to break the silence. Yeonjun and Soobin look at each other before Yeonjun answers with a small smile, "If everyone is okay, then I guess we can go."

"Sorry, hyung. I can't. I have an extra shift to do at work tonight."

"Tae please-", Sewoon starts to pout but Taehyun just denies and says that it is really important.

Later, Hueningkai somehow managed Sewoon to still come by whispering to him that they would plan how to make Taehyun fall for him and of course the lovey-dovey Sewoon quickly agreed.

What he didn't know was bringing Beomgyu was still a part of the hangout.


As Beomgyu left earlier today, the four of them started walking towards home.

"Is something wrong between you and Beomgyu hyung?", Hueningkai tried to know.


"If he offended you with something, then tell me. I'm gonna break my brother's bones for my kid", Yeonjun hissed which made everyone laugh at his cuteness.

"Taehyun-ah", Soobin spoke in a serious tone. "I don't know what's going on but I would like to give you a little advice." Soobin kept his hands on Taehyun's shoulders. "Don't leave one for another and remember who holds more importance in your life."

Taehyun just nodded. "Don't forget to sort it out with Gyu, okay? Whatever it is, he's older than you. So, I'm still unhappy with the way you talked to him but I won't say much because I've never seen you like this which means you have your reasons. You're a good boy, right? Apologize if it is needed. We might be late tonight from the movies and also be back safely from work", Soobin patted the shorter's head.

Yeonjun ruffled Soobin's hair with a big smile on. The tallest's words put them all in peace as they walk to their respective homes with Taehyun looking up to Beomgyu's when he passes by.

I hope he's okay.

I agree this chapter was really boring. I'm so sorry, I actually ran out of ideas while writing this. But this was needed, trust me. Things will take off after another chapter or maybe two. I'll try to update as regularly as I can. You won't regret reading the next chapters. It'll get interesting, I promise.

Take care, everyone <3 Love ya.

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