Thrown Out

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"Have you met Taehyun yet?"

Seokjin stopped writing a name on the paper cup on his hands and looked up at the question thrown at him.

Beomgyu was huffing. And why wouldn't he? All he's been doing the whole day is running from here and there. After leaving the hospital, the first place he had in his mind was Taehyun's home and he didn't delay.

With a quick run, he was there knocking at the door. But after his fifth attempt, he thought maybe the younger wasn't home at the moment. He left messages, tried calling Taehyun only to hear the same bullshit from the other side.

"This user is currently not available. Please leave a message after the beep"

Sighing, he didn't have any other options, so he dialed Yeonjun's number before Hueningkai. To heck with all the issues, he didn't even leave Soobin out. Because Taehyun wasn't close to others besides them, he had limited people to ask about him and he didn't want to miss anything. Boy, who was he kidding? None of them picked up his call.

That's how he'd left the place, clutching his grumbling stomach, the almost withered daffodils and the lunch box still in his sweaty hands and made his way to the hill behind their school— Taehyun's sanctuary.

Since it's the vacation, the area around the hill wasn't too crowded. An atmosphere Taehyun loves. He'd walked up as quickly as he could and once he saw a specific tree with a thick trunk, a giddy feeling took over him. And in no time he settled down the tree.

In this hot summer, the breeze under the shelter kind of put him in peace. With closed eyes, he took in the sound of leaves brushing against each other, birds singing melodiously, the silvery shuffles of insects. All these kinda reminded him of that one day here with Taehyun.

Who knows how, but luckily, Hueningkai had missed classes to be with his elder sister because she was back from Hawaii after a long time and Yeonjun was adamant to go on a date with Soobin, to which the bunny-like soft boy would never disagree. That's how they were left alone after their classes. And at that time, the brunette had asked him to go to the hill with him.

"What if someone saw us together?", Beomgyu had asked, instinctively glancing around, although there wasn't an unquestionable distance between them.

"Please, hyung. Only this once" Taehyun wasn't looking at him but he knew the younger had doe eyes while pleading and he instantly gave in.

They sat together under a thick tree, facing the city. It may not be that high of a hill but it had a good view with a tranquil atmosphere. They sat there for a while and saw the beautiful sun setting down. At that moment, Taehyun looked so so so breathtaking that Beomgyu couldn't hold it in. He had pulled his boyfriend by the back of his head to place a kiss on his lips. It wasn't too heated and it didn't last as long as their other ones but it was their first kiss outside the four walls or closed terraces which had left them both tinting with red.

And Beomgyu never regretted it.

"If you ever get tired of me and leave then just know that I will still follow you, even if it means going up to the stars" Beomgyu had said, curling their fingers together to which flustered Taehyun had answered "I won't ever leave you, I promise"

Eyes fluttering open, Beomgyu looked around the orange setting just like that day and a small smile crept upon his lips. Everything was the same, only Taehyun wasn't here beside him anymore. The sun which was almost about to sleep kind of left a sting in his heart, a longing for his loved one. Perhaps he didn't know, the younger was also somewhere, reliving the same memory.

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